Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (2024)

Watercolor Academy

Art Courses

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One-time payment - Lifetime membership

Watercolor Academy Online Course

A self-study, self-paced course where you can learn how to paint in watercolor by watching video lessons and doing assignments

$297 USD


Personal Tutoring online + Online Course

One-to-one, unlimited and custom-tailored to your skills and needs Personal Tutoring by the Watercolor Academy teachers

$997 USD


Art Courses

Watercolor Academy

The Watercolor Academy was created by a group of teachers and talented fine artists who have shared their extensive art knowledge and skills with you. They have over 100 years of combined experience you can benefit from. As a Watercolor Academy student, you have a lifetime membership and can always rely on our personal support should you ever have questions or need artwork critiques.

In the entire history of fine arts, there is not a single example of a self-taught, great artist. There is a reason for that. Art, including watercolor, is a part of culture. Culture is not learned from scratch by every generation of artists; it is passed from a teacher to a student lesson-by-lesson, task-by-task. Artists need someone more knowledgeable, experienced, and talented who can teach them the skills of the craft and proficient painting techniques. As a fine artist, you are only growing when you are learning, so your self-education doesn't stop here. That is why, we invite you to continue your art education with us.

Drawing Academy

Good painting is rooted in good drawing. Your watercolor painting skills very much depend on your drawing proficiency. If you need to improve your drawing skills, you will find the Drawing Academy online course incredibly helpful -

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (1)

Drawing Academy is a highly-comprehensive course, yet friendly enough for beginners. In this course, you will learn how to draw anything you can see, think, or imagine. Drawing Academy is based on the fundamental knowledge every fine artist must possess:

  • Know-how of various drawing materials and techniques
  • Constructive drawing principles
  • Rules of linear and aerial perspective
  • Rules of composition
  • Golden proportions
  • Traditional techniques of rendering tonal values
  • Human body anatomy and proportions, and much more

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (2)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (3)

Anatomy Master Class

If your goal is to become a good figurative artist and draw realistic figures and portraits, then the key is in mastering human anatomy. While learning anatomy may feel like a daunting task, the Anatomy Master Class makes it easier than you imagine -

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (4)

This course was created for artists like you who want to learn anatomy for artists quickly and be able to use anatomy to portray people in the realistic manner. This course is unique; it is created in a way that is very easy to learn. In fact, you don't have to memorize hundreds of bones and muscles or the details of joints and muscle insertions. The course presents only the facts and information that are essential to an artist. All terms are referred to by their common names, so you don't have to memorize difficult Latin names.

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (5)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (6)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (7)

Life Drawing Academy

The knowledge of anatomy and constructive drawing will be incredibly useful if you want to portray people. Our Life Drawing Academy fully explains how to draw realistic portraits and human figures from life, memory and imagination - https://LifeDrawing.Academy

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (8)

There are two art courses:

  • Life Drawing Academy Online Course
  • Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course

The Online Course is a self-learned, self-paced course where you will have a lifetime access to 52 video lessons on how to draw portraits and figures. This course also comes with personal support from the Academy tutors, which includes your artworks critique, answers to your art questions, and advice on how to improve your art skills.

The Correspondence Course is the ultimate choice if you would like to receive personal art tutoring that is custom-tailored to your level of skills and needs. This is as good as having personal art teachers. You will learn proficient drawing skills on a one-to-one basis. Your tutors will cover all aspects of drawing skills and show by example how to draw the professional way. This course comes with up to 100 drawing tasks that will be specifically designed to elevate your current level of drawing skills to an advanced level.

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Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (10)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (11)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (12)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (13)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (14)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (15)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (16)

Old Masters Academy

If your ambition is to paint in oil, Old Masters Academy will help you to discover traditional painting techniques that were used by the great masters - https://OldMasters.Academy

In this Academy, you will learn how to paint like the Old Masters using modern materials by watching the step-by-step process of oil painting, starting from imprimatura, under-drawing, dead layers, color layers, and finishing glazings. The course tutor, Natalie Richy, will show you how multi-layer artworks are created, starting from a clean canvas through to a varnished painting.

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (17)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (18)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (19)

Watercolor Academy Correspondence Course

To give you the unique opportunity to learn directly under our personal guidance, we created the Watercolor Academy Correspondence Course for you. This correspondence course is unique. The watercolor painting techniques we teach are not taught at contemporary art colleges. The secrets and know-how we can share with you are not known to the vast majority of contemporary painters.

In the Watercolor Academy Correspondence Course, you will have a dedicated team of art tutors to guide you through your lessons. Vladimir London and Natalie Richy will provide you with personal tutoring and teach you all you need to know to become a better artist.

By now, you may have questions about this course: what you will get and how you will benefit. Let's take a look at some of our most frequently asked questions.

What is the Watercolor Academy Correspondence Course?

The Correspondence Course is a personal, one-on-one tutoring experience where you will learn watercolor painting skills under the guidance of dedicated art teachers. Studying by correspondence means that you will get all necessary instructions, explanations, tutoring, critiques, and guidance in writing in addition to your video lessons.

What will I learn in this course?

You will learn a wide range of watercolor painting methods and techniques that will enable you to fully harness your creativity and make better, more professional artwork. A custom-tailored curriculum will be developed for you based on your current level of skill. This curriculum will include many different topics and 100 watercolor painting tasks that will help you to raise and refine your art skills.

What topics will this course cover?

The course aims to take you from fundamentals of art through refined painting techniques and may include such topics as:

  • Choosing the right watercolor materials
  • Fundamentals of color theory
  • Rules of composition and golden proportions
  • Transferring drawings
  • Mixing pigments
  • Quick sketches and long-studies in watercolor
  • 5 different watercolor painting methods
  • 9 different painting techniques
  • Creating pieces using monochrome and limited color palettes
  • Composing multicolored watercolor paintings
  • Creating landscapes, seascapes, and cityscapes
  • Bringing botanical and animalistic artworks to life
  • Capturing still-life and pattern designs
  • Painting realistic portraits as well as figurative artworks, and much more!

What if I want to learn something special?

We want you to achieve all of your art goals, so we will include additional topics into your curriculum to help you meet them.

Is this course suitable for beginners?

If you are a complete beginner, this course will be tremendously helpful for you. We include basic, yet very helpful, topics for you to begin with and will help you to grow your skills to the advanced level.

If you are an advanced artist, your curriculum will start with a different set of tasks than a beginner's curriculum would and will include topics you are interested in. For example, this could include how to depict emotions in portrait, how to portray the personality of a sitter, how to do genre paintings, and so on.

Is it possible for me to learn watercolor painting by correspondence?

Studying by correspondence will give you a great advantage over some face-to-face teaching. First of all, your schedule will be much more flexible, allowing you to study at your own pace. But above all, you will receive all feedback and tutoring in writing. This means it will be available for you to keep and reference at any time so you can reread instructions and explanations, recheck our critique, refresh yourself on rules, remember advice you were given, and refer to educational materials that were provided for previous tasks.

Who are the tutors?

As a Watercolor Academy student, you will have a dedicated team of art tutors – Natalie Richy and Vladimir London have taught many art students and helped them to become professional artists.

Natalie Richy is a professional figurative fine artist. Her art education spans many years and includes earning an MFA Degree at the Latvian Academy of Arts, as well as extensive self-educational research and practice of the Old Masters painting methods. Natalie has a deep passion for the traditional art of the Renaissance and Baroque eras and dedicates her time and efforts to rediscovering the "secrets" of the Old Masters painting techniques.

Vladimir London is an art tutor and creator of several online art courses including Drawing Academy, Anatomy Master Class, and Life Drawing Academy. As a professional artist, Vladimir paints in watercolor and oil as well as doing figurative drawings.

Who will be my main art tutor?

Your main tutor will be Vladimir London. When he is away, Natalie Richy will step in so you always have someone on hand to help.

How will I communicate with tutors?

All communication will be via email. Verbal instructions and critique can easily be forgotten the next day, but written guidance will be available for as long as you choose to keep it.

Can I talk over a phone or Skype with tutors?

For the reason explained above, we don't utilize video calls. We have found that our students benefit most from having written instructions that they can keep for future reference. Believe us, there will be a lot of information to take in and we want you to be able to keep that information for years to come.

Have the skills of your art students improved?

Natalie and Vladimir have taught many art students around the world how to draw and paint. You can check their students' progress in the online gallery of Watercolor Academy. After watching the Watercolor Academy video lessons and following our personal tutoring, our students really get what it takes to paint in watercolor the professional way. We're confident that your watercolor painting skills will improve too. You are also welcome to check students' reviews and feedback on the progress they have achieved.

Here's what our students say about their progress:

"In just one month, I 've learned more about painting with watercolors than in four years at an art college. I could only wish of enrolling in the Watercolor Academy earlier"
Sam P.

"Painting portraits has always been the most difficult thing for me. It's amazing how Watercolor Academy teachers made this topic so easy to follow."

"I was painting for years with little progress before I took the Watercolor Correspondence Course. This was the best decision for improving my art skills!"

"Thank you, Watercolor Academy teachers, I've learned so much from you! I now work as an illustrator, sell my artworks, and plan my first watercolor exhibition."

How will my skills and progress be evaluated?

Before we create your custom-tailored curriculum, your art tutors will evaluate your current skills and provide you with a full, comprehensive critique to advise you on what needs to be improved. Your skills also will be assessed after you complete each task. You will know precisely what to work on at every step of your curriculum.

Do I need special art materials?

If you already paint in watercolor, you probably already have all the materials required. The list of necessary materials will be provided at the beginning of your course. We will teach you how to make masterpieces with art supplies that are readily available at any art shop.

What art tasks will I get?

This depends on your personal curriculum based on your current level of skill. Tasks may include color theory exercises, how to mix and apply pigment, how to paint in alla prima and layer-by-layer, how to make realistic portraits and figures, and so on.

What instructions will I get?

For every task, you will get fully explained, illustrated, and step-by-step instructions. Each task will be described point-by-point so you always know what to do and how to do it.

Are there any deadlines?

This is a self-paced course, so there are no deadlines and no time pressure.

How long will it take for me to complete the course?

This depends on you and what pace you're comfortable working at. If you complete one task every week, it would take you about two years to complete this course.

Will I become a professional artist by completing this course?

It depends on your goals. If you would like to dedicate your professional life to making fine art, this course will be very helpful in achieving your dream. The information and skills you will learn in the Watercolor Academy Correspondence Course are not taught at contemporary art colleges. The know-how you will receive in this course will give you the edge you need to become a better artist.

When will my tutoring be completed?

Your course is concluded once you have completed all 100 of the art tasks to the quality required.

What will happen after the course?

When you complete the Correspondence Course, you will receive a Watercolor Academy Diploma of Excellence in your name and will have full academy membership for life. You can send us your artworks for critique at any time. This support is unlimited and comes at no extra cost.

Can you guarantee my results?

For legal reasons, we cannot guarantee any results because they do not depend on us: they depend on you. We can only say that if you follow the curriculum task by task, there is no way to fail. You will get certain skills and know-how from every single task. If you follow our instructions, your new skills will reflect in the quality of the art that you produce.

How does the Correspondence Course compare to an art college?

First, traditional watercolor painting techniques are the core of the Correspondence Course. Such techniques are simply not taught at contemporary art colleges at the same depth as you will learn them at Watercolor Academy.

Also, in a college, you will not get a custom-tailored curriculum developed just for you. In the Correspondence Course, all of your educational topics and tasks will be based on a personal curriculum so you can learn what you specifically need to improve your painting skills.

Furthermore, as a Watercolor Academy student, you will have lifetime access to 80 video lessons. These video lessons are as good as watching a tutor painting in watercolor right in front of your eyes. Teachers at contemporary art colleges don't show you by their own example how to create different masterpieces while giving a step-by-step explanation.

In addition, in order to study at an art college, you would have to relocate, follow a strict schedule, and meet tight deadlines. At Watercolor Academy, you can study in the comfort of your home and have the flexibility to fit lessons into your own schedule without having to worry about deadlines.

At a college, your tutoring would be limited. At Watercolor Academy, you will have a lifetime membership for a one-time fee which includes unlimited artwork critiques at no extra cost.

Finally, a contemporary art college would take up to 4 years of your time and may cost up to $100,000 including relocation, accommodation, tuition, and other fees. This comes with no guarantee that you will actually learn the necessary skills of the trade. Watercolor Academy offers you an education at a fraction of the cost that is specifically designed to help you grow as an artist.

How much does this course cost?

After considering our 100 painting tasks and 80 video lessons, this course is valued at $18,000 USD. However, we have a limited number of student memberships where you can enroll at the heavily-discounted price of only $997.

Because these spots are limited, when the capacity is filled, we will suspend enrollment or put the price to reflect its true value.

Can I get a refund?

Due to the high personalization of the course and the limited number of students we're able to take, we do not offer refunds. We heavily invest in designing a custom-tailored curriculum based on your skills to help you achieve your art goals. We offer support to help you get the most out of this course, but inevitably it is up to you to complete your tasks and move forward in the course.

Will this course work for me?

The question should actually be the other way around – will you work to achieve your art goals? This course will work for you, if you work for it. There is simply no way to fail because your skills cannot stay the same as long as you practice the watercolor painting techniques we will teach you. If you move through the tasks one-by-one and follow our guidance and suggestions for improvement, this course will work for you and your watercolor painting skills will advance to a higher level.

This is your chance to get a top-quality art education at an incredible value. Do not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Take the next steps in your journey of becoming a great artist!

To learn how to paint a watercolor, enroll now

Watercolor Academy Online Course

A self-study, self-paced course where you can learn how to paint in watercolor by watching video lessons and doing assignments

  • Unlimited access to 80 watercolor painting video lessons
  • Lifetime membership without deadlines
  • Unlimited support from the Academy tutors
  • Constructive critique of your artworks
  • Member access to the Academy's Art community
  • Place in the Academy's Students Gallery
  • Exclusive members-only newsletter and bonuses
  • Watercolor Academy Diploma of Excellence in your name

One-time payment - Lifetime membership
$297 USD


Personal Tutoring online + Online Course

One-to-one, unlimited and custom-tailored to your skills and needs Personal Tutoring by the Watercolor Academy teachers

  • Everything in Online Course, plus:
  • Dedicated team of art tutors
  • Assessment of your current level of art skills
  • Personalized curriculum tailored to your skills and goals
  • Up to 100 art tasks with by-task assessment
  • Unlimited one-to-one personal coaching with detailed per-task instructions and feedback
  • Artwork critiques and results-oriented guidance

One-time payment - Lifetime membership
$997 USD


Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (20)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (21)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (22)

Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (23)

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Art Courses - Watercolor Academy (2024)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.