- Belk® - Official Site (2024)

").parent(), e.$slideTrack.css("opacity", 0), !0 !== e.options.centerMode && !0 !== e.options.swipeToSlide || (e.options.slidesToScroll = 1), i("img[data-lazy]", e.$slider).not("[src]").addClass("slick-loading"), e.setupInfinite(), e.buildArrows(), e.buildDots(), e.updateDots(), e.setSlideClasses("number" == typeof e.currentSlide ? e.currentSlide : 0), !0 === e.options.draggable && e.$list.addClass("draggable"); }, e.prototype.buildRows = function () { var i, e, t, o, s, n, r, l = this; if (o = document.createDocumentFragment(), n = l.$slider.children(), l.options.rows > 1) { for (r = l.options.slidesPerRow * l.options.rows, s = Math.ceil(n.length / r), i = 0; i < s; i++) { var d = document.createElement("div"); for (e = 0; e < l.options.rows; e++) { var a = document.createElement("div"); for (t = 0; t < l.options.slidesPerRow; t++) { var c = i * r + (e * l.options.slidesPerRow + t); n.get(c) && a.appendChild(n.get(c)); } d.appendChild(a); } o.appendChild(d); } l.$slider.empty().append(o), l.$slider.children().children().children().css({width: 100 / l.options.slidesPerRow + "%", display: "inline-block"}); } }, e.prototype.checkResponsive = function (e, t) { var o, s, n, r = this, l = !1, d = r.$slider.width(), a = window.innerWidth || i(window).width(); if ("window" === r.respondTo ? n = a : "slider" === r.respondTo ? n = d : "min" === r.respondTo && (n = Math.min(a, d)), r.options.responsive && r.options.responsive.length && null !== r.options.responsive) { s = null; for (o in r.breakpoints) { r.breakpoints.hasOwnProperty(o) && (!1 === r.originalSettings.mobileFirst ? n < r.breakpoints[o] && (s = r.breakpoints[o]) : n > r.breakpoints[o] && (s = r.breakpoints[o])); } null !== s ? null !== r.activeBreakpoint ? (s !== r.activeBreakpoint || t) && (r.activeBreakpoint = s, "unslick" === r.breakpointSettings[s] ? r.unslick(s) : (r.options = i.extend({}, r.originalSettings, r.breakpointSettings[s]), !0 === e && (r.currentSlide = r.options.initialSlide), r.refresh(e)), l = s) : (r.activeBreakpoint = s, "unslick" === r.breakpointSettings[s] ? r.unslick(s) : (r.options = i.extend({}, r.originalSettings, r.breakpointSettings[s]), !0 === e && (r.currentSlide = r.options.initialSlide), r.refresh(e)), l = s) : null !== r.activeBreakpoint && (r.activeBreakpoint = null, r.options = r.originalSettings, !0 === e && (r.currentSlide = r.options.initialSlide), r.refresh(e), l = s), e || !1 === l || r.$slider.trigger("breakpoint", [r, l]); } }, e.prototype.changeSlide = function (e, t) { var o, s, n, r = this, l = i(e.currentTarget); switch ("a") && e.preventDefault(),"li") || (l = l.closest("li")), n = r.slideCount % r.options.slidesToScroll != 0, o = n ? 0 : (r.slideCount - r.currentSlide) % r.options.slidesToScroll, { case "previous": s = 0 === o ? r.options.slidesToScroll : r.options.slidesToShow - o, r.slideCount > r.options.slidesToShow && r.slideHandler(r.currentSlide - s, !1, t); break; case "next": s = 0 === o ? r.options.slidesToScroll : o, r.slideCount > r.options.slidesToShow && r.slideHandler(r.currentSlide + s, !1, t); break; case "index": var d = 0 === ? 0 : || (l.index() - 1) * r.options.slidesToScroll; r.slideHandler(r.checkNavigable(d), !1, t), l.children().trigger("focus"); break; default: return; } }, e.prototype.checkNavigable = function (i) { var e, t; if (e = this.getNavigableIndexes(), t = 0, i > e[e.length - 1]) { i = e[e.length - 1]; } else { for (var o in e) { if (i < e[o]) { i = t; break; } t = e[o]; } } return i; }, e.prototype.cleanUpEvents = function () { var e = this; e.options.dots && null !== e.$dots && (i("li", e.$dots).off("click.slick", e.changeSlide).off("mouseenter.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !0)).off("mouseleave.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !1)), !0 === e.options.accessibility && e.$"keydown.slick", e.keyHandler)), e.$"focus.slick blur.slick"), !0 === e.options.arrows && e.slideCount > e.options.slidesToShow && (e.$prevArrow && e.$"click.slick", e.changeSlide), e.$nextArrow && e.$"click.slick", e.changeSlide), !0 === e.options.accessibility && (e.$prevArrow && e.$"keydown.slick", e.keyHandler), e.$nextArrow && e.$"keydown.slick", e.keyHandler))), e.$"touchstart.slick mousedown.slick", e.swipeHandler), e.$"touchmove.slick mousemove.slick", e.swipeHandler), e.$"touchend.slick mouseup.slick", e.swipeHandler), e.$"touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick", e.swipeHandler), e.$"click.slick", e.clickHandler), i(document).off(e.visibilityChange, e.visibility), e.cleanUpSlideEvents(), !0 === e.options.accessibility && e.$"keydown.slick", e.keyHandler), !0 === e.options.focusOnSelect && i(e.$slideTrack).children().off("click.slick", e.selectHandler), i(window).off("orientationchange.slick.slick-" + e.instanceUid, e.orientationChange), i(window).off("resize.slick.slick-" + e.instanceUid, e.resize), i("[draggable!=true]", e.$slideTrack).off("dragstart", e.preventDefault), i(window).off("load.slick.slick-" + e.instanceUid, e.setPosition); }, e.prototype.cleanUpSlideEvents = function () { var e = this; e.$"mouseenter.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !0)), e.$"mouseleave.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !1)); }, e.prototype.cleanUpRows = function () { var i, e = this; e.options.rows > 1 && ((i = e.$slides.children().children()).removeAttr("style"), e.$slider.empty().append(i)); }, e.prototype.clickHandler = function (i) { !1 === this.shouldClick && (i.stopImmediatePropagation(), i.stopPropagation(), i.preventDefault()); }, e.prototype.destroy = function (e) { var t = this; t.autoPlayClear(), t.touchObject = {}, t.cleanUpEvents(), i(".slick-cloned", t.$slider).detach(), t.$dots && t.$dots.remove(), t.$prevArrow && t.$prevArrow.length && (t.$prevArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden").removeAttr("aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex").css("display", ""), t.htmlExpr.test(t.options.prevArrow) && t.$prevArrow.remove()), t.$nextArrow && t.$nextArrow.length && (t.$nextArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled slick-arrow slick-hidden").removeAttr("aria-hidden aria-disabled tabindex").css("display", ""), t.htmlExpr.test(t.options.nextArrow) && t.$nextArrow.remove()), t.$slides && (t.$slides.removeClass("slick-slide slick-active slick-center slick-visible slick-current").removeAttr("aria-hidden").removeAttr("data-slick-index").each(function () { i(this).attr("style", i(this).data("originalStyling")); }), t.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(), t.$slideTrack.detach(), t.$list.detach(), t.$slider.append(t.$slides)), t.cleanUpRows(), t.$slider.removeClass("slick-slider"), t.$slider.removeClass("slick-initialized"), t.$slider.removeClass("slick-dotted"), t.unslicked = !0, e || t.$slider.trigger("destroy", [t]); }, e.prototype.disableTransition = function (i) { var e = this, t = {}; t[e.transitionType] = "", !1 === e.options.fade ? e.$slideTrack.css(t) : e.$slides.eq(i).css(t); }, e.prototype.fadeSlide = function (i, e) { var t = this; !1 === t.cssTransitions ? (t.$slides.eq(i).css({zIndex: t.options.zIndex}), t.$slides.eq(i).animate({opacity: 1}, t.options.speed, t.options.easing, e)) : (t.applyTransition(i), t.$slides.eq(i).css({opacity: 1, zIndex: t.options.zIndex}), e && setTimeout(function () { t.disableTransition(i),; }, t.options.speed)); }, e.prototype.fadeSlideOut = function (i) { var e = this; !1 === e.cssTransitions ? e.$slides.eq(i).animate({opacity: 0, zIndex: e.options.zIndex - 2}, e.options.speed, e.options.easing) : (e.applyTransition(i), e.$slides.eq(i).css({opacity: 0, zIndex: e.options.zIndex - 2})); }, e.prototype.filterSlides = e.prototype.slickFilter = function (i) { var e = this; null !== i && (e.$slidesCache = e.$slides, e.unload(), e.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(), e.$slidesCache.filter(i).appendTo(e.$slideTrack), e.reinit()); }, e.prototype.focusHandler = function () { var e = this; e.$"focus.slick blur.slick").on("focus.slick blur.slick", "*", function (t) { t.stopImmediatePropagation(); var o = i(this); setTimeout(function () { e.options.pauseOnFocus && (e.focussed =":focus"), e.autoPlay()); }, 0); }); }, e.prototype.getCurrent = e.prototype.slickCurrentSlide = function () { return this.currentSlide; }, e.prototype.getDotCount = function () { var i = this, e = 0, t = 0, o = 0; if (!0 === i.options.infinite) { if (i.slideCount <= i.options.slidesToShow) { ++o; } else { for (; e < i.slideCount; ) { ++o, e = t + i.options.slidesToScroll, t += i.options.slidesToScroll <= i.options.slidesToShow ? i.options.slidesToScroll : i.options.slidesToShow; } } } else { if (!0 === i.options.centerMode) { o = i.slideCount; } else { if (i.options.asNavFor) { for (; e < i.slideCount; ) { ++o, e = t + i.options.slidesToScroll, t += i.options.slidesToScroll <= i.options.slidesToShow ? i.options.slidesToScroll : i.options.slidesToShow; } } else { o = 1 + Math.ceil((i.slideCount - i.options.slidesToShow) / i.options.slidesToScroll); } } } return o - 1; }, e.prototype.getLeft = function (i) { var e, t, o, s, n = this, r = 0; return n.slideOffset = 0, t = n.$slides.first().outerHeight(!0), !0 === n.options.infinite ? (n.slideCount > n.options.slidesToShow && (n.slideOffset = n.slideWidth * n.options.slidesToShow * -1, s = -1, !0 === n.options.vertical && !0 === n.options.centerMode && (2 === n.options.slidesToShow ? s = -1.5 : 1 === n.options.slidesToShow && (s = -2)), r = t * n.options.slidesToShow * s), n.slideCount % n.options.slidesToScroll != 0 && i + n.options.slidesToScroll > n.slideCount && n.slideCount > n.options.slidesToShow && (i > n.slideCount ? (n.slideOffset = (n.options.slidesToShow - (i - n.slideCount)) * n.slideWidth * -1, r = (n.options.slidesToShow - (i - n.slideCount)) * t * -1) : (n.slideOffset = n.slideCount % n.options.slidesToScroll * n.slideWidth * -1, r = n.slideCount % n.options.slidesToScroll * t * -1))) : i + n.options.slidesToShow > n.slideCount && (n.slideOffset = (i + n.options.slidesToShow - n.slideCount) * n.slideWidth, r = (i + n.options.slidesToShow - n.slideCount) * t), n.slideCount <= n.options.slidesToShow && (n.slideOffset = 0, r = 0), !0 === n.options.centerMode && n.slideCount <= n.options.slidesToShow ? n.slideOffset = n.slideWidth * Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow) / 2 - n.slideWidth * n.slideCount / 2 : !0 === n.options.centerMode && !0 === n.options.infinite ? n.slideOffset += n.slideWidth * Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow / 2) - n.slideWidth : !0 === n.options.centerMode && (n.slideOffset = 0, n.slideOffset += n.slideWidth * Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow / 2)), e = !1 === n.options.vertical ? i * n.slideWidth * -1 + n.slideOffset : i * t * -1 + r, !0 === n.options.variableWidth && (o = n.slideCount <= n.options.slidesToShow || !1 === n.options.infinite ? n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i) : n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i + n.options.slidesToShow), e = !0 === n.options.rtl ? o[0] ? -1 * (n.$slideTrack.width() - o[0].offsetLeft - o.width()) : 0 : o[0] ? -1 * o[0].offsetLeft : 0, !0 === n.options.centerMode && (o = n.slideCount <= n.options.slidesToShow || !1 === n.options.infinite ? n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i) : n.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").eq(i + n.options.slidesToShow + 1), e = !0 === n.options.rtl ? o[0] ? -1 * (n.$slideTrack.width() - o[0].offsetLeft - o.width()) : 0 : o[0] ? -1 * o[0].offsetLeft : 0, e += (n.$list.width() - o.outerWidth()) / 2)), e; }, e.prototype.getOption = e.prototype.slickGetOption = function (i) { return this.options[i]; }, e.prototype.getNavigableIndexes = function () { var i, e = this, t = 0, o = 0, s = []; for (!1 === e.options.infinite ? i = e.slideCount : (t = -1 * e.options.slidesToScroll, o = -1 * e.options.slidesToScroll, i = 2 * e.slideCount); t < i; ) { s.push(t), t = o + e.options.slidesToScroll, o += e.options.slidesToScroll <= e.options.slidesToShow ? e.options.slidesToScroll : e.options.slidesToShow; } return s; }, e.prototype.getSlick = function () { return this; }, e.prototype.getSlideCount = function () { var e, t, o = this; return t = !0 === o.options.centerMode ? o.slideWidth * Math.floor(o.options.slidesToShow / 2) : 0, !0 === o.options.swipeToSlide ? (o.$slideTrack.find(".slick-slide").each(function (s, n) { if (n.offsetLeft - t + i(n).outerWidth() / 2 > -1 * o.swipeLeft) { return e = n, !1; } }), Math.abs(i(e).attr("data-slick-index") - o.currentSlide) || 1) : o.options.slidesToScroll; }, e.prototype.goTo = e.prototype.slickGoTo = function (i, e) { this.changeSlide({data: {message: "index", index: parseInt(i)}}, e); }, e.prototype.init = function (e) { var t = this; i(t.$slider).hasClass("slick-initialized") || (i(t.$slider).addClass("slick-initialized"), t.buildRows(), t.buildOut(), t.setProps(), t.startLoad(), t.loadSlider(), t.initializeEvents(), t.updateArrows(), t.updateDots(), t.checkResponsive(!0), t.focusHandler()), e && t.$slider.trigger("init", [t]), !0 === t.options.accessibility && t.initADA(), t.options.autoplay && (t.paused = !1, t.autoPlay()); }, e.prototype.initADA = function () { var e = this, t = Math.ceil(e.slideCount / e.options.slidesToShow), o = e.getNavigableIndexes().filter(function (i) { return i >= 0 && i < e.slideCount; }); e.$slides.add(e.$slideTrack.find(".slick-cloned")).attr({"aria-hidden": "true", tabindex: "-1"}).find("a, input, button, select").attr({tabindex: "-1"}), null !== e.$dots && (e.$slides.not(e.$slideTrack.find(".slick-cloned")).each(function (t) { var s = o.indexOf(t); i(this).attr({role: "tabpanel", id: "slick-slide" + e.instanceUid + t, tabindex: -1}), -1 !== s && i(this).attr({"aria-describedby": "slick-slide-control" + e.instanceUid + s}); }), e.$dots.attr("role", "tablist").find("li").each(function (s) { var n = o[s]; i(this).attr({role: "presentation"}), i(this).find("button").first().attr({role: "tab", id: "slick-slide-control" + e.instanceUid + s, "aria-controls": "slick-slide" + e.instanceUid + n, "aria-label": s + 1 + " of " + t, "aria-selected": null, tabindex: "-1"}); }).eq(e.currentSlide).find("button").attr({"aria-selected": "true", tabindex: "0"}).end()); for (var s = e.currentSlide, n = s + e.options.slidesToShow; s < n; s++) { e.$slides.eq(s).attr("tabindex", 0); } e.activateADA(); }, e.prototype.initArrowEvents = function () { var i = this; !0 === i.options.arrows && i.slideCount > i.options.slidesToShow && (i.$"click.slick").on("click.slick", {message: "previous"}, i.changeSlide), i.$"click.slick").on("click.slick", {message: "next"}, i.changeSlide), !0 === i.options.accessibility && (i.$prevArrow.on("keydown.slick", i.keyHandler), i.$nextArrow.on("keydown.slick", i.keyHandler))); }, e.prototype.initDotEvents = function () { var e = this; !0 === e.options.dots && (i("li", e.$dots).on("click.slick", {message: "index"}, e.changeSlide), !0 === e.options.accessibility && e.$dots.on("keydown.slick", e.keyHandler)), !0 === e.options.dots && !0 === e.options.pauseOnDotsHover && i("li", e.$dots).on("mouseenter.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !0)).on("mouseleave.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !1)); }, e.prototype.initSlideEvents = function () { var e = this; e.options.pauseOnHover && (e.$list.on("mouseenter.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !0)), e.$list.on("mouseleave.slick", i.proxy(e.interrupt, e, !1))); }, e.prototype.initializeEvents = function () { var e = this; e.initArrowEvents(), e.initDotEvents(), e.initSlideEvents(), e.$list.on("touchstart.slick mousedown.slick", {action: "start"}, e.swipeHandler), e.$list.on("touchmove.slick mousemove.slick", {action: "move"}, e.swipeHandler), e.$list.on("touchend.slick mouseup.slick", {action: "end"}, e.swipeHandler), e.$list.on("touchcancel.slick mouseleave.slick", {action: "end"}, e.swipeHandler), e.$list.on("click.slick", e.clickHandler), i(document).on(e.visibilityChange, i.proxy(e.visibility, e)), !0 === e.options.accessibility && e.$list.on("keydown.slick", e.keyHandler), !0 === e.options.focusOnSelect && i(e.$slideTrack).children().on("click.slick", e.selectHandler), i(window).on("orientationchange.slick.slick-" + e.instanceUid, i.proxy(e.orientationChange, e)), i(window).on("resize.slick.slick-" + e.instanceUid, i.proxy(e.resize, e)), i("[draggable!=true]", e.$slideTrack).on("dragstart", e.preventDefault), i(window).on("load.slick.slick-" + e.instanceUid, e.setPosition), i(e.setPosition); }, e.prototype.initUI = function () { var i = this; !0 === i.options.arrows && i.slideCount > i.options.slidesToShow && (i.$, i.$, !0 === i.options.dots && i.slideCount > i.options.slidesToShow && i.$; }, e.prototype.keyHandler = function (i) { var e = this;"TEXTAREA|INPUT|SELECT") || (37 === i.keyCode && !0 === e.options.accessibility ? e.changeSlide({data: {message: !0 === e.options.rtl ? "next" : "previous"}}) : 39 === i.keyCode && !0 === e.options.accessibility && e.changeSlide({data: {message: !0 === e.options.rtl ? "previous" : "next"}})); }, e.prototype.lazyLoad = function () { function e(e) { i("img[data-lazy]", e).each(function () { var e = i(this), t = i(this).attr("data-lazy"), o = i(this).attr("data-srcset"), s = i(this).attr("data-sizes") || n.$slider.attr("data-sizes"), r = document.createElement("img"); r.onload = function () { e.animate({opacity: 0}, 100, function () { o && (e.attr("srcset", o), s && e.attr("sizes", s)), e.attr("src", t).animate({opacity: 1}, 200, function () { e.removeAttr("data-lazy data-srcset data-sizes").removeClass("slick-loading"); }), n.$slider.trigger("lazyLoaded", [n, e, t]); }); }, r.onerror = function () { e.removeAttr("data-lazy").removeClass("slick-loading").addClass("slick-lazyload-error"), n.$slider.trigger("lazyLoadError", [n, e, t]); }, r.src = t; }); } var t, o, s, n = this; if (!0 === n.options.centerMode ? !0 === n.options.infinite ? s = (o = n.currentSlide + (n.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1)) + n.options.slidesToShow + 2 : (o = Math.max(0, n.currentSlide - (n.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1)), s = n.options.slidesToShow / 2 + 1 + 2 + n.currentSlide) : (o = n.options.infinite ? n.options.slidesToShow + n.currentSlide : n.currentSlide, s = Math.ceil(o + n.options.slidesToShow), !0 === n.options.fade && (o > 0 && o--, s <= n.slideCount && s++)), t = n.$slider.find(".slick-slide").slice(o, s), "anticipated" === n.options.lazyLoad) { for (var r = o - 1, l = s, d = n.$slider.find(".slick-slide"), a = 0; a < n.options.slidesToScroll; a++) { r < 0 && (r = n.slideCount - 1), t = (t = t.add(d.eq(r))).add(d.eq(l)), r--, l++; } } e(t), n.slideCount <= n.options.slidesToShow ? e(n.$slider.find(".slick-slide")) : n.currentSlide >= n.slideCount - n.options.slidesToShow ? e(n.$slider.find(".slick-cloned").slice(0, n.options.slidesToShow)) : 0 === n.currentSlide && e(n.$slider.find(".slick-cloned").slice(-1 * n.options.slidesToShow)); }, e.prototype.loadSlider = function () { var i = this; i.setPosition(), i.$slideTrack.css({opacity: 1}), i.$slider.removeClass("slick-loading"), i.initUI(), "progressive" === i.options.lazyLoad && i.progressiveLazyLoad(); }, = e.prototype.slickNext = function () { this.changeSlide({data: {message: "next"}}); }, e.prototype.orientationChange = function () { var i = this; i.checkResponsive(), i.setPosition(); }, e.prototype.pause = e.prototype.slickPause = function () { var i = this; i.autoPlayClear(), i.paused = !0; }, = e.prototype.slickPlay = function () { var i = this; i.autoPlay(), i.options.autoplay = !0, i.paused = !1, i.focussed = !1, i.interrupted = !1; }, e.prototype.postSlide = function (e) { var t = this; t.unslicked || (t.$slider.trigger("afterChange", [t, e]), t.animating = !1, t.slideCount > t.options.slidesToShow && t.setPosition(), t.swipeLeft = null, t.options.autoplay && t.autoPlay(), !0 === t.options.accessibility && (t.initADA(), t.options.focusOnChange && i(t.$slides.get(t.currentSlide)).attr("tabindex", 0).focus())); }, e.prototype.prev = e.prototype.slickPrev = function () { this.changeSlide({data: {message: "previous"}}); }, e.prototype.preventDefault = function (i) { i.preventDefault(); }, e.prototype.progressiveLazyLoad = function (e) { e = e || 1; var t, o, s, n, r, l = this, d = i("img[data-lazy]", l.$slider); d.length ? (t = d.first(), o = t.attr("data-lazy"), s = t.attr("data-srcset"), n = t.attr("data-sizes") || l.$slider.attr("data-sizes"), (r = document.createElement("img")).onload = function () { s && (t.attr("srcset", s), n && t.attr("sizes", n)), t.attr("src", o).removeAttr("data-lazy data-srcset data-sizes").removeClass("slick-loading"), !0 === l.options.adaptiveHeight && l.setPosition(), l.$slider.trigger("lazyLoaded", [l, t, o]), l.progressiveLazyLoad(); }, r.onerror = function () { e < 3 ? setTimeout(function () { l.progressiveLazyLoad(e + 1); }, 500) : (t.removeAttr("data-lazy").removeClass("slick-loading").addClass("slick-lazyload-error"), l.$slider.trigger("lazyLoadError", [l, t, o]), l.progressiveLazyLoad()); }, r.src = o) : l.$slider.trigger("allImagesLoaded", [l]); }, e.prototype.refresh = function (e) { var t, o, s = this; o = s.slideCount - s.options.slidesToShow, !s.options.infinite && s.currentSlide > o && (s.currentSlide = o), s.slideCount <= s.options.slidesToShow && (s.currentSlide = 0), t = s.currentSlide, s.destroy(!0), i.extend(s, s.initials, {currentSlide: t}), s.init(), e || s.changeSlide({data: {message: "index", index: t}}, !1); }, e.prototype.registerBreakpoints = function () { var e, t, o, s = this, n = s.options.responsive || null; if ("array" === i.type(n) && n.length) { s.respondTo = s.options.respondTo || "window"; for (e in n) { if (o = s.breakpoints.length - 1, n.hasOwnProperty(e)) { for (t = n[e].breakpoint; o >= 0; ) { s.breakpoints[o] && s.breakpoints[o] === t && s.breakpoints.splice(o, 1), o--; } s.breakpoints.push(t), s.breakpointSettings[t] = n[e].settings; } } s.breakpoints.sort(function (i, e) { return s.options.mobileFirst ? i - e : e - i; }); } }, e.prototype.reinit = function () { var e = this; e.$slides = e.$slideTrack.children(e.options.slide).addClass("slick-slide"), e.slideCount = e.$slides.length, e.currentSlide >= e.slideCount && 0 !== e.currentSlide && (e.currentSlide = e.currentSlide - e.options.slidesToScroll), e.slideCount <= e.options.slidesToShow && (e.currentSlide = 0), e.registerBreakpoints(), e.setProps(), e.setupInfinite(), e.buildArrows(), e.updateArrows(), e.initArrowEvents(), e.buildDots(), e.updateDots(), e.initDotEvents(), e.cleanUpSlideEvents(), e.initSlideEvents(), e.checkResponsive(!1, !0), !0 === e.options.focusOnSelect && i(e.$slideTrack).children().on("click.slick", e.selectHandler), e.setSlideClasses("number" == typeof e.currentSlide ? e.currentSlide : 0), e.setPosition(), e.focusHandler(), e.paused = !e.options.autoplay, e.autoPlay(), e.$slider.trigger("reInit", [e]); }, e.prototype.resize = function () { var e = this; i(window).width() !== e.windowWidth && (clearTimeout(e.windowDelay), e.windowDelay = window.setTimeout(function () { e.windowWidth = i(window).width(), e.checkResponsive(), e.unslicked || e.setPosition(); }, 50)); }, e.prototype.removeSlide = e.prototype.slickRemove = function (i, e, t) { var o = this; if (i = "boolean" == typeof i ? !0 === (e = i) ? 0 : o.slideCount - 1 : !0 === e ? --i : i, o.slideCount < 1 || i < 0 || i > o.slideCount - 1) { return !1; } o.unload(), !0 === t ? o.$slideTrack.children().remove() : o.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).eq(i).remove(), o.$slides = o.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide), o.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(), o.$slideTrack.append(o.$slides), o.$slidesCache = o.$slides, o.reinit(); }, e.prototype.setCSS = function (i) { var e, t, o = this, s = {}; !0 === o.options.rtl && (i = -i), e = "left" == o.positionProp ? Math.ceil(i) + "px" : "0px", t = "top" == o.positionProp ? Math.ceil(i) + "px" : "0px", s[o.positionProp] = i, !1 === o.transformsEnabled ? o.$slideTrack.css(s) : (s = {}, !1 === o.cssTransitions ? (s[o.animType] = "translate(" + e + ", " + t + ")", o.$slideTrack.css(s)) : (s[o.animType] = "translate3d(" + e + ", " + t + ", 0px)", o.$slideTrack.css(s))); }, e.prototype.setDimensions = function () { var i = this; !1 === i.options.vertical ? !0 === i.options.centerMode && i.$list.css({padding: "0px " + i.options.centerPadding}) : (i.$list.height(i.$slides.first().outerHeight(!0) * i.options.slidesToShow), !0 === i.options.centerMode && i.$list.css({padding: i.options.centerPadding + " 0px"})), i.listWidth = i.$list.width(), i.listHeight = i.$list.height(), !1 === i.options.vertical && !1 === i.options.variableWidth ? (i.slideWidth = Math.ceil(i.listWidth / i.options.slidesToShow), i.$slideTrack.width(Math.ceil(i.slideWidth * i.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").length))) : !0 === i.options.variableWidth ? i.$slideTrack.width(5000 * i.slideCount) : (i.slideWidth = Math.ceil(i.listWidth), i.$slideTrack.height(Math.ceil(i.$slides.first().outerHeight(!0) * i.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").length))); var e = i.$slides.first().outerWidth(!0) - i.$slides.first().width(); !1 === i.options.variableWidth && i.$slideTrack.children(".slick-slide").width(i.slideWidth - e); }, e.prototype.setFade = function () { var e, t = this; t.$slides.each(function (o, s) { e = t.slideWidth * o * -1, !0 === t.options.rtl ? i(s).css({position: "relative", right: e, top: 0, zIndex: t.options.zIndex - 2, opacity: 0}) : i(s).css({position: "relative", left: e, top: 0, zIndex: t.options.zIndex - 2, opacity: 0}); }), t.$slides.eq(t.currentSlide).css({zIndex: t.options.zIndex - 1, opacity: 1}); }, e.prototype.setHeight = function () { var i = this; if (1 === i.options.slidesToShow && !0 === i.options.adaptiveHeight && !1 === i.options.vertical) { var e = i.$slides.eq(i.currentSlide).outerHeight(!0); i.$list.css("height", e); } }, e.prototype.setOption = e.prototype.slickSetOption = function () { var e, t, o, s, n, r = this, l = !1; if ("object" === i.type(arguments[0]) ? (o = arguments[0], l = arguments[1], n = "multiple") : "string" === i.type(arguments[0]) && (o = arguments[0], s = arguments[1], l = arguments[2], "responsive" === arguments[0] && "array" === i.type(arguments[1]) ? n = "responsive" : void 0 !== arguments[1] && (n = "single")), "single" === n) { r.options[o] = s; } else { if ("multiple" === n) { i.each(o, function (i, e) { r.options[i] = e; }); } else { if ("responsive" === n) { for (t in s) { if ("array" !== i.type(r.options.responsive)) { r.options.responsive = [s[t]]; } else { for (e = r.options.responsive.length - 1; e >= 0; ) { r.options.responsive[e].breakpoint === s[t].breakpoint && r.options.responsive.splice(e, 1), e--; } r.options.responsive.push(s[t]); } } } } } l && (r.unload(), r.reinit()); }, e.prototype.setPosition = function () { var i = this; i.setDimensions(), i.setHeight(), !1 === i.options.fade ? i.setCSS(i.getLeft(i.currentSlide)) : i.setFade(), i.$slider.trigger("setPosition", [i]); }, e.prototype.setProps = function () { var i = this, e =; i.positionProp = !0 === i.options.vertical ? "top" : "left", "top" === i.positionProp ? i.$slider.addClass("slick-vertical") : i.$slider.removeClass("slick-vertical"), void 0 === e.WebkitTransition && void 0 === e.MozTransition && void 0 === e.msTransition || !0 === i.options.useCSS && (i.cssTransitions = !0), i.options.fade && ("number" == typeof i.options.zIndex ? i.options.zIndex < 3 && (i.options.zIndex = 3) : i.options.zIndex = i.defaults.zIndex), void 0 !== e.OTransform && (i.animType = "OTransform", i.transformType = "-o-transform", i.transitionType = "OTransition", void 0 === e.perspectiveProperty && void 0 === e.webkitPerspective && (i.animType = !1)), void 0 !== e.MozTransform && (i.animType = "MozTransform", i.transformType = "-moz-transform", i.transitionType = "MozTransition", void 0 === e.perspectiveProperty && void 0 === e.MozPerspective && (i.animType = !1)), void 0 !== e.webkitTransform && (i.animType = "webkitTransform", i.transformType = "-webkit-transform", i.transitionType = "webkitTransition", void 0 === e.perspectiveProperty && void 0 === e.webkitPerspective && (i.animType = !1)), void 0 !== e.msTransform && (i.animType = "msTransform", i.transformType = "-ms-transform", i.transitionType = "msTransition", void 0 === e.msTransform && (i.animType = !1)), void 0 !== e.transform && !1 !== i.animType && (i.animType = "transform", i.transformType = "transform", i.transitionType = "transition"), i.transformsEnabled = i.options.useTransform && null !== i.animType && !1 !== i.animType; }, e.prototype.setSlideClasses = function (i) { var e, t, o, s, n = this; if (t = n.$slider.find(".slick-slide").removeClass("slick-active slick-center slick-current").attr("aria-hidden", "true"), n.$slides.eq(i).addClass("slick-current"), !0 === n.options.centerMode) { var r = n.options.slidesToShow % 2 == 0 ? 1 : 0; e = Math.floor(n.options.slidesToShow / 2), !0 === n.options.infinite && (i >= e && i <= n.slideCount - 1 - e ? n.$slides.slice(i - e + r, i + e + 1).addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden", "false") : (o = n.options.slidesToShow + i, t.slice(o - e + 1 + r, o + e + 2).addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden", "false")), 0 === i ? t.eq(t.length - 1 - n.options.slidesToShow).addClass("slick-center") : i === n.slideCount - 1 && t.eq(n.options.slidesToShow).addClass("slick-center")), n.$slides.eq(i).addClass("slick-center"); } else { i >= 0 && i <= n.slideCount - n.options.slidesToShow ? n.$slides.slice(i, i + n.options.slidesToShow).addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden", "false") : t.length <= n.options.slidesToShow ? t.addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden", "false") : (s = n.slideCount % n.options.slidesToShow, o = !0 === n.options.infinite ? n.options.slidesToShow + i : i, n.options.slidesToShow == n.options.slidesToScroll && n.slideCount - i < n.options.slidesToShow ? t.slice(o - (n.options.slidesToShow - s), o + s).addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden", "false") : t.slice(o, o + n.options.slidesToShow).addClass("slick-active").attr("aria-hidden", "false")); } "ondemand" !== n.options.lazyLoad && "anticipated" !== n.options.lazyLoad || n.lazyLoad(); }, e.prototype.setupInfinite = function () { var e, t, o, s = this; if (!0 === s.options.fade && (s.options.centerMode = !1), !0 === s.options.infinite && !1 === s.options.fade && (t = null, s.slideCount > s.options.slidesToShow)) { for (o = !0 === s.options.centerMode ? s.options.slidesToShow + 1 : s.options.slidesToShow, e = s.slideCount; e > s.slideCount - o; e -= 1) { t = e - 1, i(s.$slides[t]).clone(!0).attr("id", "").attr("data-slick-index", t - s.slideCount).prependTo(s.$slideTrack).addClass("slick-cloned"); } for (e = 0; e < o + s.slideCount; e += 1) { t = e, i(s.$slides[t]).clone(!0).attr("id", "").attr("data-slick-index", t + s.slideCount).appendTo(s.$slideTrack).addClass("slick-cloned"); } s.$slideTrack.find(".slick-cloned").find("[id]").each(function () { i(this).attr("id", ""); }); } }, e.prototype.interrupt = function (i) { var e = this; i || e.autoPlay(), e.interrupted = i; }, e.prototype.selectHandler = function (e) { var t = this, o = i(".slick-slide") ? i( : i(".slick-slide"), s = parseInt(o.attr("data-slick-index")); s || (s = 0), t.slideCount <= t.options.slidesToShow ? t.slideHandler(s, !1, !0) : t.slideHandler(s); }, e.prototype.slideHandler = function (i, e, t) { var o, s, n, r, l, d = null, a = this; if (e = e || !1, !(!0 === a.animating && !0 === a.options.waitForAnimate || !0 === a.options.fade && a.currentSlide === i)) { if (!1 === e && a.asNavFor(i), o = i, d = a.getLeft(o), r = a.getLeft(a.currentSlide), a.currentLeft = null === a.swipeLeft ? r : a.swipeLeft, !1 === a.options.infinite && !1 === a.options.centerMode && (i < 0 || i > a.getDotCount() * a.options.slidesToScroll)) { !1 === a.options.fade && (o = a.currentSlide, !0 !== t ? a.animateSlide(r, function () { a.postSlide(o); }) : a.postSlide(o)); } else { if (!1 === a.options.infinite && !0 === a.options.centerMode && (i < 0 || i > a.slideCount - a.options.slidesToScroll)) { !1 === a.options.fade && (o = a.currentSlide, !0 !== t ? a.animateSlide(r, function () { a.postSlide(o); }) : a.postSlide(o)); } else { if (a.options.autoplay && clearInterval(a.autoPlayTimer), s = o < 0 ? a.slideCount % a.options.slidesToScroll != 0 ? a.slideCount - a.slideCount % a.options.slidesToScroll : a.slideCount + o : o >= a.slideCount ? a.slideCount % a.options.slidesToScroll != 0 ? 0 : o - a.slideCount : o, a.animating = !0, a.$slider.trigger("beforeChange", [a, a.currentSlide, s]), n = a.currentSlide, a.currentSlide = s, a.setSlideClasses(a.currentSlide), a.options.asNavFor && (l = (l = a.getNavTarget()).slick("getSlick")).slideCount <= l.options.slidesToShow && l.setSlideClasses(a.currentSlide), a.updateDots(), a.updateArrows(), !0 === a.options.fade) { return !0 !== t ? (a.fadeSlideOut(n), a.fadeSlide(s, function () { a.postSlide(s); })) : a.postSlide(s), void a.animateHeight(); } !0 !== t ? a.animateSlide(d, function () { a.postSlide(s); }) : a.postSlide(s); } } } }, e.prototype.startLoad = function () { var i = this; !0 === i.options.arrows && i.slideCount > i.options.slidesToShow && (i.$prevArrow.hide(), i.$nextArrow.hide()), !0 === i.options.dots && i.slideCount > i.options.slidesToShow && i.$dots.hide(), i.$slider.addClass("slick-loading"); }, e.prototype.swipeDirection = function () { var i, e, t, o, s = this; return i = s.touchObject.startX - s.touchObject.curX, e = s.touchObject.startY - s.touchObject.curY, t = Math.atan2(e, i), (o = Math.round(180 * t / Math.PI)) < 0 && (o = 360 - Math.abs(o)), o <= 45 && o >= 0 ? !1 === s.options.rtl ? "left" : "right" : o <= 360 && o >= 315 ? !1 === s.options.rtl ? "left" : "right" : o >= 135 && o <= 225 ? !1 === s.options.rtl ? "right" : "left" : !0 === s.options.verticalSwiping ? o >= 35 && o <= 135 ? "down" : "up" : "vertical"; }, e.prototype.swipeEnd = function (i) { var e, t, o = this; if (o.dragging = !1, o.swiping = !1, o.scrolling) { return o.scrolling = !1, !1; } if (o.interrupted = !1, o.shouldClick = !(o.touchObject.swipeLength > 10), void 0 === o.touchObject.curX) { return !1; } if (!0 === o.touchObject.edgeHit && o.$slider.trigger("edge", [o, o.swipeDirection()]), o.touchObject.swipeLength >= o.touchObject.minSwipe) { switch (t = o.swipeDirection()) { case "left": case "down": e = o.options.swipeToSlide ? o.checkNavigable(o.currentSlide + o.getSlideCount()) : o.currentSlide + o.getSlideCount(), o.currentDirection = 0; break; case "right": case "up": e = o.options.swipeToSlide ? o.checkNavigable(o.currentSlide - o.getSlideCount()) : o.currentSlide - o.getSlideCount(), o.currentDirection = 1; } "vertical" != t && (o.slideHandler(e), o.touchObject = {}, o.$slider.trigger("swipe", [o, t])); } else { o.touchObject.startX !== o.touchObject.curX && (o.slideHandler(o.currentSlide), o.touchObject = {}); } }, e.prototype.swipeHandler = function (i) { var e = this; if (!(!1 === e.options.swipe || "ontouchend" in document && !1 === e.options.swipe || !1 === e.options.draggable && -1 !== i.type.indexOf("mouse"))) { switch (e.touchObject.fingerCount = i.originalEvent && void 0 !== i.originalEvent.touches ? i.originalEvent.touches.length : 1, e.touchObject.minSwipe = e.listWidth / e.options.touchThreshold, !0 === e.options.verticalSwiping && (e.touchObject.minSwipe = e.listHeight / e.options.touchThreshold), { case "start": e.swipeStart(i); break; case "move": e.swipeMove(i); break; case "end": e.swipeEnd(i); } } }, e.prototype.swipeMove = function (i) { var e, t, o, s, n, r, l = this; return n = void 0 !== i.originalEvent ? i.originalEvent.touches : null, !(!l.dragging || l.scrolling || n && 1 !== n.length) && (e = l.getLeft(l.currentSlide), l.touchObject.curX = void 0 !== n ? n[0].pageX : i.clientX, l.touchObject.curY = void 0 !== n ? n[0].pageY : i.clientY, l.touchObject.swipeLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l.touchObject.curX - l.touchObject.startX, 2))), r = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l.touchObject.curY - l.touchObject.startY, 2))), !l.options.verticalSwiping && !l.swiping && r > 4 ? (l.scrolling = !0, !1) : (!0 === l.options.verticalSwiping && (l.touchObject.swipeLength = r), t = l.swipeDirection(), void 0 !== i.originalEvent && l.touchObject.swipeLength > 4 && (l.swiping = !0, i.preventDefault()), s = (!1 === l.options.rtl ? 1 : -1) * (l.touchObject.curX > l.touchObject.startX ? 1 : -1), !0 === l.options.verticalSwiping && (s = l.touchObject.curY > l.touchObject.startY ? 1 : -1), o = l.touchObject.swipeLength, l.touchObject.edgeHit = !1, !1 === l.options.infinite && (0 === l.currentSlide && "right" === t || l.currentSlide >= l.getDotCount() && "left" === t) && (o = l.touchObject.swipeLength * l.options.edgeFriction, l.touchObject.edgeHit = !0), !1 === l.options.vertical ? l.swipeLeft = e + o * s : l.swipeLeft = e + o * (l.$list.height() / l.listWidth) * s, !0 === l.options.verticalSwiping && (l.swipeLeft = e + o * s), !0 !== l.options.fade && !1 !== l.options.touchMove && (!0 === l.animating ? (l.swipeLeft = null, !1) : void l.setCSS(l.swipeLeft)))); }, e.prototype.swipeStart = function (i) { var e, t = this; if (t.interrupted = !0, 1 !== t.touchObject.fingerCount || t.slideCount <= t.options.slidesToShow) { return t.touchObject = {}, !1; } void 0 !== i.originalEvent && void 0 !== i.originalEvent.touches && (e = i.originalEvent.touches[0]), t.touchObject.startX = t.touchObject.curX = void 0 !== e ? e.pageX : i.clientX, t.touchObject.startY = t.touchObject.curY = void 0 !== e ? e.pageY : i.clientY, t.dragging = !0; }, e.prototype.unfilterSlides = e.prototype.slickUnfilter = function () { var i = this; null !== i.$slidesCache && (i.unload(), i.$slideTrack.children(this.options.slide).detach(), i.$slidesCache.appendTo(i.$slideTrack), i.reinit()); }, e.prototype.unload = function () { var e = this; i(".slick-cloned", e.$slider).remove(), e.$dots && e.$dots.remove(), e.$prevArrow && e.htmlExpr.test(e.options.prevArrow) && e.$prevArrow.remove(), e.$nextArrow && e.htmlExpr.test(e.options.nextArrow) && e.$nextArrow.remove(), e.$slides.removeClass("slick-slide slick-active slick-visible slick-current").attr("aria-hidden", "true").css("width", ""); }, e.prototype.unslick = function (i) { var e = this; e.$slider.trigger("unslick", [e, i]), e.destroy(); }, e.prototype.updateArrows = function () { var i = this; Math.floor(i.options.slidesToShow / 2), !0 === i.options.arrows && i.slideCount > i.options.slidesToShow && !i.options.infinite && (i.$prevArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", "false"), i.$nextArrow.removeClass("slick-disabled").attr("aria-disabled", "false"), 0 === i.currentSlide ? 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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.