Events in History on April 10 (2024)



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  • 837 Comet 1P/837 F1 (Halley) approaches within 0.0334 AUs of Earth
  • 847 St Leo IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope
  • 879 Louis III becomes King of West Francia
  • 1407 Lama Deshin Shekpa visits the Ming Dynasty capital at Nanjing and is awarded the title Great Treasure Prince of Dharma

Events in History on April 10 (1)French Capture Sforza

1500 France captures Duke Ludovico Sforza of Milan

Duke of Milan Ludovico Sforza
  • 1516 Venice compels Jews to live in a specific area, establishing the first Jewish ghetto
  • 1552 Henri II of France occupies Metz
  • 1589 Spanish troops conquer Geertruidenberg
  • 1607 The British colonial expedition that would found Jamestown departs Puerto Rico for the American mainland

Yes, We Have Some Bananas

1633 First bananas go on sale in London in the shop window of Thomas Johnson's apothecary

A bunch of bananas as depicted in Johnson’s “Herball” reference book and described as Plantaine fruit
  • 1656 Dutch fleet occupiers Colombo, Ceylon
  • 1710 The first law regulating copyright is issued in Great Britain
  • 1741 War of the Austrian Succession: Prussia defeats Austria in the Battle of Mollwitz
  • 1790 US Patent system forms
  • 1802 Great Trigonometrical Survey begun to survey entire Indian subcontinent, led by William Lambton and the East India Company (completed 1871)
  • 1815 Austria declares war on Kingdom of Naples

Eruption of Mount Tambora

1815 Mount Tambora in the Dutch East Indies experiences a cataclysmic eruption, one of the most powerful in history, killing around 71,000 people, causes global volcanic winter

The massive Mount Tambora volcanic eruption
  • 1816 2nd Bank of US chartered

Events in History on April 10 (7)Kubla Khan

1816 Samuel Taylor Coleridge recites his poem "Kubla Khan" to fellow poet Lord Byron, who persuades him to publish it

Poet, Critic and Philosopher Samuel Taylor ColeridgeRomantic Poet Lord Byron
  • 1821 Patriarch Gregory V of Constantinople is hanged by the Turks from the main gate of the Patriarchate, his body thrown into the Bosphorus
  • 1825 1st hotel in Hawaii opens
  • 1825 Nicaraguan constituent assembly meets at Leon
  • 1826 10,500 inhabitants of the Greek town Messolonghi start leaving the town after a year's siege by Turkish forces. Very few of them survive.

Events in History on April 10 (10)George Canning Prime Minister

1827 George Canning becomes British Prime Minister upon the resignation of Robert Jenkinson, lives to serve only 119 days

British Prime Minister George CanningBritish Prime Minister Robert Jenkinson
  • 1841 New York Tribune begins publishing under editor Horace Greeley
  • 1845 More than 1,000 buildings damaged by fire in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Events in History on April 10 (13)Safety Pin

1849 Safety pin patented by Walter Hunt (NYC); sold rights for $400

Inventor Walter Hunt
  • 1856 The Theta Chi Fraternity is founded at Norwich University, Vermont
  • 1858 "Big Ben", a 13.76 tonne bell, is recast at the Whitechapel Bell Foundry
  • 1861 Massachusetts Institute of Technology is established by William Barton Rogers as a private land grant university in Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • 1863 Confederate General Earl Van Dorn attacks at Franklin, Tennessee

Events in History on April 10 (15)Maximilian I

1864 Austrian Archduke Maximilian becomes Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico

Emperor of Mexico Maximilian I

Events in History on April 10 (17)Lee's Farewell Address

1865 At Appomattox, Confederate General Robert E. Lee issues General Order #9, his last

Confederate General Robert E. Lee
  • 1866 American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) forms
  • 1868 British defeat King of Abyssinia at Magdala
  • 1869 Congress increases number of Supreme Court judges from 7 to 9
  • 1869 José Martí founds the Cuban Revolutionary Party.
  • 1871 William Hammond Hall's maps & surveys of Golden Gate Park accepted
  • 1872 1st Arbor Day celebrated in Nebraska, later changed to Apr 22
  • 1872 1st National black convention meets in New Orleans
  • 1877 Federal troops withdrawn from Columbia, SC
  • 1878 California Street Cable Car Railroad Co starts service
  • 1882 Captain William Matson founds his shipping company (San Francisco & Hawaii)
  • 1884 US Senate accepts Belgian administration of Congo

Events in History on April 10 (19)Lincoln Reburied

1887 US President Abraham Lincoln's re-buried with his wife in Springfield, Illinois

16th US President Abraham Lincoln
  • 1898 First Navy Law is passed by the German Reichstag

Events in History on April 10 (21)Titanic Sets Sail

1912 RMS Titanic sets sail from Southampton for her maiden (and final) voyage

Captain of the Titanic Edward Smith
  • 1913 During the Montenegrin siege of Scutari, the Montenegrin coastline is blockaded
  • 1915 Castbergian Child Laws adopted in Norway - one of the first laws in the world to protect the welfare of extra-martial children [1]
  • 1917 Munition factory explosion at Eddystone, Pennsylvania, kills 133 workers
  • 1919 Mexican Revolution leader Emiliano Zapata is ambushed and shot dead by government forces in Morelos

Events in History on April 10 (23)"Hatred and More Hatred"

1923 Adolf Hitler demands "hatred & more hatred" in Berlin, Germany

Dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler

Events in History on April 10 (25)The Great Gatsby

1925 Scribners publishes "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Author and Novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • 1925 Tsaritsyn renamed Stalingrad (now Volgograd)
  • 1930 Thiokol synthetic rubber 1st produced in Yardley, New Jersey

Events in History on April 10 (27)Hindenburg President

1932 Paul von Hindenburg is re-elected President of Germany in a runoff election against Adolf Hitler

German President and WWI General Paul von Hindenburg
  • 1936 200" mirror blank arrives from Corning Glass Works of New York at Caltech's optical shop in Pasadena, California for use in Palomar Observatory's Hale Telescope; the work takes 11-1/2 years [1]
  • 1938 Austria becomes a state of Germany
  • 1938 NY makes syphilis test mandatory in order to get a marriage license

Events in History on April 10 (29)Government of Édouard Daladier

1938 Second government of Blum replaced by Édouard Daladier's government in France

Prime Minister of France Édouard Daladier
  • 1939 Grens mobilization due to Italian invasion in Albania
  • 1939 Prime Minister Hendrikus Colijn's Dutch government opens camp Westerbork for German Jews

Events in History on April 10 (31)Quisling Forms Government

1940 Vidkun Quisling forms Norwegian "national government"

Prime Minister of Norway and Nazi Collaborator Vidkun Quisling
  • 1941 German troops conquer Libyan county Cyrenaica

Events in History on April 10 (33)Croatia German Puppet Statete

1941 Independent State of Croatia led by Ante Pavelić established as fascist German puppet state

Croatian Fascist Leader Ante Pavelić
  • 1942 Cigarettes & candy rationed in Holland
  • 1943 12 Jewish patients of Herren Loo-Lozenoord escape Nazis
  • 1943 General Montgomery occupies Sfax, Tunisia
  • 1944 "Patrolling the Ether" is shown on 3 TV stations simultaneously
  • 1944 Soviet forces liberate Odessa from the Axis powers
  • 1945 Canadian troops conquer Deventer
  • 1945 General Blaskowitz becomes nazi leader of "Fort Holland"
  • 1945 German troops attack Ijsselbrug
  • 1945 US troops land on Tsugen Shima Okinawa
  • 1945 William Schuman & Antony Tudor's ballet premieres in NYC
  • 1946 1st election for Japanese Parliament
  • 1947 King Frederik IX of Denmark crowned
  • 1948 Jewish Hagana repels an Arab attack on Mishmar HaEmek

Events in History on April 10 (35)Hammarskjöld Secretary General

1953 Dag Hammarskjöld becomes the 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations

Secretary-General of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld
  • 1955 Ruth Ellis shoots jilting lover David Blakely (last woman to be executed in the UK)
  • 1957 John Osborne's "Entertainer" premieres in London
  • 1957 Jordanian government of Naboelsi resigns
  • 1957 USSR performs atmospheric nuclear test
  • 1958 Northern strip of Spanish Sahara ceded to Morocco
  • 1960 Senate passes landmark Civil Rights Bill

Events in History on April 10 (37)Event of Interest

1961 Dutch foreign minister Luns talks to JFK about New Guinea

35th US President John F. Kennedy
  • 1963 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1963 USS Thresher, a nuclear powered submarine, sinks 220 miles east of Boston killing 129 men, including 17 civilians
  • 1964 Iranian motor launch catches fire & sinks killing 113 (Persian Gulf)
  • 1968 Ferry Wahine sinks in Wellington harbour, New Zealand on route from Lyttelton (51 killed)
  • 1968 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1971 The Republican commemorations is held in Belfast of the Easter Rising (in 1916 in Dublin), revealing conflicts between the two wings of the Irish Republican Army
  • 1971 US table tennis team arrives in People's Republic of China
  • 1972 20 days after he was kidnapped in Buenos Aires, Oberdan Sallustro is executed by communist guerrillas
  • 1972 7.0 earthquake kills 1/5 of population of Iranian province of Fars
  • 1972 The US, USSR and 70 other nations agree to ban biological weapons at the Biological Weapons Convention
  • 1972 Two British soldiers are killed in a bomb attack in Derry
  • 1973 BEA flight to Basel Switzerland, crashes on landing, killing 104 of 143
  • 1973 Pakistan suspends constitution
  • 1974 American Boccaccio Association forms

Events in History on April 10 (39)Event of Interest

1974 Golda Meir resigns as Israel's Prime Minister

4th Prime Minister of Israel Golda Meir
  • 1979 Red River Valley Tornado Outbreak: A tornado lands in Wichita Falls, Texas killing 42 people.
  • 1979 Soyuz 33 launched with a Russian & a Bulgarian
  • 1981 Computer glitch keeps Space Shuttle Columbia grounded
  • 1981 France performs nuclear test

Events in History on April 10 (41)Election of Interest

1981 Imprisoned Provisional IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands elected to British Parliament for Northern Ireland county of Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Provisional Irish Republican Army Revolutionary Bobby Sands
  • 1983 Jordan king Hussein ceases negotiations with PLO
  • 1984 Damaged Solar Max satellite snared by Challenger shuttle
  • 1984 US Senate condemns CIA mining of Nicaraguan harbors
  • 1985 At 80 Leo Sites becomes oldest bowler to score a 300 game
  • 1985 Challenger moves to Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space Center (Florida) for mating of STS 51-B mission

Events in History on April 10 (43)Event of Interest

1986 Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan

Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
  • 1986 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1988 Herschel Walker performs Fort Worth Ballet

Events in History on April 10 (45)Event of Interest

1989 Intel corp announces shipment of 80-486 chip

Semiconductor Pioneer and CEO of Intel Andrew Grove
  • 1990 CUNY/Lehman College, Bronx, opens a branch campus in Hiroshma, Japan
  • 1991 Boat rams a tanker in Livorno Italy fog, killing about 138
  • 1991 Last automat (coin operated cafeteria) closes (3rd & 42nd St, NYC)
  • 1991 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is awarded to John Updike for novel 'Rabbit At Rest'
  • 1991 Rare tropical storm develops in the Southern Hemisphere near Angola; first to be documented by satellites
  • 1992 25 die in a bus bombing in Sri Lanka
  • 1992 Floriade (Flower Show) opens at The Hague, Netherlands
  • 1993 BPAA US Open by Del Ballard Jr
  • 1995 NYC bans smoking in all restaurants that seat 35 or more
  • 1996 Fastest wind speed ever recorded (not a tornado) 408 km/h (220 kn; 253 mph; 113 m/s) during tropical cyclone Olivia on Barrow Island, Australia
  • 1998 The Good Friday Agreement [Belfast Agreement] for Northern Ireland is signed by the British and Irish governments
  • 2006 Hundreds of thousands protest H.R. 4437 (aka the "Sensenbrenner Bill") in the United States.
  • 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154M crashes near Smolensk, Russia, killing all 96 people on board including President Lech Kaczyński
  • 2012 Apple Inc claims a value of $600 billion making it the largest company by market capitalization in the world

Events in History on April 10 (47)Election of Interest

2012 Rick Santorum suspends his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination making Mitt Romney the overwhelming favourite

Governor of Massachusetts and US Senator Mitt Romney
  • 2012 United Nations deadline for Syrian troop withdrawal passes as violence continues
  • 2013 Japan and Taiwan sign an agreement on fishing rights around the Senkaku Islands
  • 2014 88 civilians are killed by barrel bombs from Syrian war planes in Aleppo, Syria
  • 2014 The Council of Europe suspends Russia's right to vote
  • 2016 Explosions and a fire caused by fireworks at Puttingal Temple in Kerala, India, kills more than 100 and injures nearly 400

Events in History on April 10 (49)Event of Interest

2016 Hong Kong pro-democracy political party Demosistō established by Nathan Law, Joshua Wong and Agnes Chow

Activist and Politician Joshua Wong
  • 2017 "British Vogue" magazine announces Edward Enninful as new editor; first male and Black person to hold position
  • 2017 Alabama Governor Robert Bentley resigns over relationship with an aide and possible misuse of state funds to cover it up

Events in History on April 10 (51)Event of Interest

2018 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg begins testifying before US Congress about data use and security

Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg
  • 2019 China announces move to cull more than 1 million pigs in effort to eliminate African swine fever
  • 2019 First home delivery service by drone begins in Canberra, Australia by Wing, part of Google's Alphabet company

1st Photo of a Black Hole

2019 First-ever photo of a black hole announced, taken by The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration in 2017 in galaxy M87, 6.5 billion times the mass of earth, 55 million light-years away

The first ever picture of black hole
  • 2019 Four tiny sweat bees removed alive from a woman's eye in world's first operation of its kind at Fooyin University Hospital, Taiwan
  • 2019 New species of human announced named hom*o luzonensis, 3ft tall, remains dated 50-60,000 years old found in cave on island of Luzon, Philippines
  • 2019 New York declares a public health emergency and compulsory vaccinations after a measles outbreak in Brooklyn with 285 cases

Events in History on April 10 (55)Event of Interest

2021 China orders Alibaba pay a record fine of 18.2 billion yuan ($2.8 billion) after anti-trust regulations say it has been acting as a monopoly

Alibaba Entrepreneur Jack Ma
  • 2023 Rare California poppy superbloom of organise poppies begins in Southern California around Lake Elinsore [1]
  • 2024 Avi Wigderson announced as the winner of the 2023 Turing Prize for his work in clarifying the role of randomness in algorithms [1]

Events in History on April 10 (57)Election of Interest

2024 South Korea's liberal opposition party wins landslide majority in the country's general election - a defeat for President Yoon Suk Yeol, amid claims he was brought down by a spring onion [1]

President of South Korea Yoon Suk-yeol

Events in History on April 10 (59)Event of Interest

2024 US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announce moves to counter Chinese aggression at a meeting at the White House [1]

Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida46th US President, Vice President and Senator Joe Biden

  • 9 Apr
  • Events in History
  • Apr 11
Events in History on April 10 (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.