How Much Does it Cost to Create an Online Course in 2024 (2024)

Online Course Development Price According to Researchers

Back in 2010, the Chapman Alliance conducted a comprehensive study that revealed that it could cost around $10,000 to produce one hour of educational content. You might wonder why the emphasis is on ‘around.’ The logic is simple. The price tag escalates with the augmentation of features and the quest for increased dynamism and interactivity in the course. Despite these revelations, the time has flowed like a swift river, rendering these data points outdated. We are here to help illuminate the present situation through our meticulous study.

The analysis will be enhanced with some key information: Thelion’s share of the cost of online course development is human effort and labor. This is trailed by the expense incurred on equipment and software necessary for the task. If you decide to take the reins and create the online course yourself, you’re essentially incurring minimal costs beyond the value of your time.

In our detailed analysis of how much does it cost to create an online course, we will provide you with the following information:

  • New information as of March 2024 will show the numbers of developing an online course from scratch.
  • A detailed analysis of all development elements and a breakdown into the roles of participants in the course creation.

All subsequent information was collected from open sources and is also the result of a compilation of our experience in tailoring custom online learning solutions.

Cost to Develop an Online Course — It’s All About the Chosen Model

ADDIE model example

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that the values of the final development price tag largely depend on which educational design model you choose. To avoid confusion, in our estimate, we will consider only one model named ADDIE. This model is the most common way how to develop an online course and is an abbreviation where:

  • “A” is for Analysis. At the analysis stage, you should carefully study the market that you will enter and your competitors. This will help you develop a unique solution that will stand out from the background and provide a personalized experience for each client.

  • “D” is for Design. The design phase deals with working out the appearance of your teaching material.

  • “D” is for Development. The primary and most crucial stage during which you develop educational material (write text, create assignments, presentations, and much more)

  • “I” is for Implementation. All the finished material is added to the LMS at this stage, structured into an online course. In addition, during this stage, the first tests of the online course are passed to eliminate bugs and mistakes in learning material.

  • “E” is for Evaluation. The final stage is when the analyst comes into play. You carefully monitor the success of the course and compare the indicators with the set objectives and goals.

Creating a course is almost impossible without a team of specialists who will take on specific tasks.

  • SME or Subject Matter Expert – A specialist in the field in which your course will provide training material. They are engaged in research, text writing, lecture notes, and much more.

  • The instructional design team– Graphic designers, cameramen, video editors, and others.

  • Project Manager – Course owner who oversees all aspects of course development and overall progress.

  • Technical staff specialists– A group of people responsible for the technical part of the course creation (QA engineers, DevOps specialists, content managers, and others).

Now for a final note. In this article, we will consider all the stages of the ADDIE model except the final Evaluation, since this stage depends on the type of course, the niche it occupies, the LMS system on which it is based, and much more. As a prime example, we created an hour-long abstract course that consists of the video material, text content, visual content (charts, graphs, and much more).

Let’s dive in!

Stage #1. Analysis and its Cost

How to develop an online course and make it right? Start with analysis. You hardly want your course to go unnoticed and hang like a dead weight. That is why it is essential to conduct an analysis stage that will help clarify the feasibility of creating a course from an economic and social perspective. The analysis stage includes the following aspects:

  • Target audience research

  • Analysis of competition in the selected niche

  • Analysis of available and preferred ways of promotion

In addition to the written explanation, we’ll use tables to show all the key details. This will make it easy to see the information about developing an online course, including the pricing. Prices for the services of certain specialists will be taken from open recruitment sites such as Upwork,,, and others. Now, let’s move on to the price of the analysis stage.

Team rolesInvolvement stagesTime, hrsHourly rate, $Overall check, $
Course ownerAllIndividualIndividualIndividual
Marketing specialistsAnalysis30-4020-75600-3000

Once the analysis stage is set and done, it’s time to proceed to the design sequence.

Stage #2. Design Cost

Phase nameSpecialists involvedTime, hrsUpwork rates,$Contractors’ rates,$Experts’ rates,$Overall check,$
Consultations with SMESME10-15IndividualIndividualIndividualIndividual
Instructional designer10-1515-4030-7575+300-1125
Designing visual contentLecturer24-3615-4025-5050+600-1800
Instructional designer24-3615-4030-7575+720-2700
Graphic designer24-3615-4015-4040+360-1440
Designing practical tasksLecturer6-815-4025-5050+150-400
Instructional designer6-815-4030-7575+180-600

Note: How to develop an online course and save some resources? You must have well-organized “face-to-face training content” rich in various media materials, visual content, and more. This content will help you quickly create a course storyboard for subsequent structuring, addition, alteration, and other integral operations of online course development.

Stage #3. Development Price

Phase nameSpecialists involvedTime, hrsUpwork rates,$Contractors’ rates,$Experts’ rates,$Overall check,$
Writing notesLecturer10-2015-4025-5050+250-1000
Instructional designer10-2015-4030-7575+300-1500
Video guideline designGraphic designer15-2015-4015-4040+225-800
Video Editor15-2015-4015-4040+225-800
Shooting videosLecturer3-515-4025-5050+75-250
Video operator3-520-6015-7070+45-350
Intro designGraphic designer20-3015-4015-4040+300-1200
Video Editor20-3015-4015-4040+300-1200
Editing videosVideo Editor16-2015-4015-4040+240-800

Stage #4. Implementation Price

So, all the training material is ready, and now is the time to add it to your chosen LMS. However, this is not just a process of “pouring” content into the system. It is necessary to fully transform it into a ready-made course using the LMS tools. In addition, it is vital to ensure the maximum quality of the finished course, so proofreading and error checking are critical.

Phase nameSpecialists involvedTime, hrsUpwork rates,$Contractors’ rates,$Experts’ rates,$Overall check,$
Course uploadContent manager2-315-6015-7575+30-225
Content manager30-4015-6015-7575+450-3000
Course owner30-40IndividualIndividualIndividualIndividual
Course creation monitoringCourse owner2-3 (daily)IndividualIndividualIndividualIndividual
Project managementPM2-3 (daily)20-7030-9595+60-285

Also, do not forget that the LMS setup is included in the final check.

Team memberHoursHourly rate, $Overall check, $
DevOps Engineer50-8050-1002500-8000
Quality Assurance Specialist15-5020-60300-3000

Note: All of the above roles can be combined to one degree or another in one specialist, for example, a video operator and a video editor in one person. In addition, the development phases can also be combined. These two facts can reduce the cost of development stages by 30%.

Price on Open edX Platform

The Open edX platform is an open-source learning management system (LMS) that allows you to create large-scale online courses. The platform itself is free to use, but other costs are associated with setting up and running an online course on Open edX.

  1. Setup and Configuration: Although the Open edX platform is free, setting it up requires technical knowledge. You may need to hire a developer or a team to do the initial setup and configuration. This includes installing the platform, setting up the servers, and configuring the software to meet your specific needs. The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the setup and the hourly rates of the developers.
  2. Course Development: Just like with any other platform, you will need to create the course content. This includes writing the course materials, creating multimedia content, designing quizzes and assessments, and more. The cost can vary depending on the length and complexity of the course and the rates of the professionals involved in the creation process.
  3. Maintenance and Upgrades: The Open edX platform is regularly updated with new features and improvements. To keep your platform running smoothly and take advantage of these updates, you will need to maintain and upgrade your installation regularly. This may require the services of a developer or a team, which will add to the costs.
  4. Hosting: The Open edX platform needs to be hosted on a server. You can choose to host it on your own servers, or you can use a hosting service. The cost of hosting can vary depending on the size of your course, the number of students, and the hosting provider you choose. Remember, while the Open edX platform is a robust and flexible solution for online learning, it requires significant time and resources to set up and run effectively. It’s important to factor in all these costs when considering using Open edX for your online course.

If you’re exploring alternatives to managing the costs and complexities associated with setting up and running an online course on the Open edX platform, consider Tanuki – the SaaS LMS for Online Courses by Raccoon Gang. Tanuki offers a streamlined and innovative LMS subscription service, leveraging the robust Open edX® platform. With Tanuki, you gain a hassle-free solution for creating, managing, and delivering online courses. Explore the convenience of Tanuki as your comprehensive SaaS option for online course management.

Wrapping Up

Technology and trends in online course development force the eLearning industry to keep up with the times and stay up-to-date. Additionally, the most successful courses require constant revision and improvement to correspond to today’s realities.

To further illustrate the effectiveness and practicality of these strategies, let’s look at some case studies and success stories from previous courses we’ve developed. These examples showcase our expertise in online course development and provide real-world insights into the process and outcomes, which can be invaluable for those considering creating their own online course. That is why you will face additional costs for various course improvements even after the final release. Now, let’s look at the final estimate of each development participant and the total cost of creating an online course.

Team rolesInvolvement stagesTime, hrsRate,$Final paycheck,$
Course ownerAllIndividualIndividualIndividual
Instructional designerDesign, development50-7930-751500-5925
LecturerDesign, development53-8425-501325-4200
PsycholinguistDesign, development20-3530-45600-1575
Graphic designerDesign, development59-8615-40885-3440
Video operatorDevelopment3-515-7045-350
Video EditorDevelopment51-11015-40765-4400
Content managerImplementation32-4315-75480-3225
Overall cost,$7520-31965

In the table below, you can see how numbers evolved during 2020-2024.

Year1 hour of eLearning content costs, $
20247,520 – 31,965 (19,743 on average)
20238,425 – 34,525 (21,475 on average)
20228,542 – 36,320 (22,431 on average)
20218,150 – 36,205 (22,178 on average)
20207,830 – 37,365 (22,598 on average)

Note: Online course development is a multi-stage and complex process, and thoroughly knowing the price in advance is impossible. Too many variables in the final price tag equation affect pricing. To get a complete and accurate estimate, you should contact the experts in online course creation and book a demo to learn all the details about your upcoming project.


In summary, creating an online course is a multifaceted process that involves various stages, each requiring specific skills and resources. However, with the right approach and commitment, developing an engaging and effective online course that meets your learners’ needs and expectations is possible.

Remember, the most successful courses require constant revision and improvement to correspond to today’s realities, and considering the trends in eLearning, it’s clear that online course development is a worthwhile investment. Whether you’re planning to create your first online course or looking to improve an existing one, we hope this article has provided you with valuable insights and guidance.

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How Much Does it Cost to Create an Online Course in 2024 (2024)


What is the average cost of creating an online course? ›

At an estimated 80 to 280 hours required to develop a 1-hour course, you can expect to pay roughly $5,850 USD to over $15,000 USD to get a fully polished course, in addition to the cost of your SME (Subject Matter Expert).

How much does it cost to develop an online learning platform? ›

The development cost may range from $40,000 to $100,000 for entry-level eLearning apps with essential features. However, more advanced education platforms with additional features and extensive content libraries can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $300,000.

How long should it take to create an online course? ›

Many aspiring creators ask themselves this very question when they are looking to start a new online course. The time you will need to put a course together really depends on your specific case, however it generally takes anywhere between 25 to 500 hours to craft an online course.

Can I pay someone to create an online course? ›

A freelance online course designer can be contacted on Guru, one of the best websites to hire a professional for your projects.

What is the average price of online classes? ›

Price of an Online Degree

Among 192 public ranked colleges, the average cost per credit hour for online college is $338 for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Is creating an online course profitable? ›

Can you make money selling online courses? There are are several monetization options for a course creator. Successful course creators make around $1k – $10k per month on average. The top course creators can make 6- to 7-figure incomes per year.

How much should I charge to write curriculum? ›

As of May 9, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Curriculum Writer in the United States is $26.88 an hour.

How much does it cost to start an online platform? ›

Importantly, the cost to build an online platform ranges between $5000 to $150,000 depending upon the complexity of the project and several other factors.

How much do people pay for online courses? ›

A shorter online course with audio/videos and PDF's typically sells for anywhere from $197 to $497. These courses often take 4-6 weeks to complete. And a longer course with audio, videos, and PDF's (a flagship course) sells for around $1,000 to $3,000. These courses often take at least a few months to complete.

How can I create an online course easily? ›

How to create an online course in 10 steps
  1. Choose the topic of your course.
  2. Conduct customer research.
  3. Select the format of your course.
  4. Test if your course has high market demand.
  5. Pre-sell your course.
  6. Outline your course content.
  7. Set course pricing and sales goals.
  8. Choose the right course platform.

How many hours is a typical online course? ›

Typical online course lengths can range anywhere from a couple of hours to 20 hours or more, depending on the subject matter and complexity of the topic. For example, if someone wants to learn a couple of Spanish sentences so they can order a coffee while on vacation in Spain, they might take a one-hour course.

What is the ideal length for an online course? ›

Our general recommendation is to keep it short and sweet.

All in all, the ideal online course length should be 7-8 weeks at most, with students engaging with the learning materials within 3-5 hours of weekly chunks.

Are online courses passive income? ›

The two major reasons why online courses are created is to generate passive income and build a successful personal brand, and we can help you achieve both with MemberPress Courses!

Can you sell a course from your own website? ›

Keep more revenue: By selling your course on your own website, you don't have to share your profits with an online course marketplace or similar. Marketplaces like Udemy will take 50%-75% and more of your revenue as commission.

How do I create and monetize an online course? ›

7 Ways To Monetize Your Online Course
  1. Multi-vendor platforms. Multi-vendor e-learning platforms such as Skillshare and Udemy allow you to sell and market your online course. ...
  2. Courses as products. ...
  3. Selling course certificates. ...
  4. Subscriptions. ...
  5. Membership Sites. ...
  6. Payment Installations. ...
  7. Are you ready to sell your online course?

How much do you sell an online course for? ›

Let's start with an overview of different price points: A mini course, a simple video training series with about 4-10 videos, each under 15 minutes, can be sold for anywhere from $47 to about $147. A shorter online course with audio/videos and PDF's typically sells for anywhere from $197 to $497.

How much does it cost to build a course on Udemy? ›

There is no fee to create and host a course on Udemy, and you can publish as many free and paid courses as you like. While we encourage you to take a look at the Instructor Terms for additional information regarding Udemy's revenue share, a summary of the sharing plan for transactional sales is below.

How much does it cost to create an educational website? ›

Such a website requires minimum features and basic UI/UX design, costing less to build. All the top e-learning websites like Udemy and Coursera started as MVP websites and then grew into the giants they are today. Cost to build an e-learning website with MVP/basic complexity can range from $8,000 to $15,000.

How much should I charge for instructional design? ›

Beginner: $30 per hour. Intermediate: $59 per hour. Advanced: $125 per hour.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.