Jason Christoff & Tony Gosling on The Johnny Vedmore Show - 12 June 2024 (2024)

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  • Johnny Vedmore on today's news talk.

  • Welcome my friends to the Johnny Vedmore show on today's news talk.

  • TNT and nice to see everybody in the chat already.

  • And we've got an interesting show.

  • We've got a very interesting show indeed today.

  • Now, we're definitely through the looking glass here, people.

  • We have crossed the mental rubicon and there is no sleep till Brooklyn.

  • I love being here with you and this is still me learning.

  • Learning how to be objective and yet not bend to total bull.

  • Learning how to listen rather than talk, which I'm not very good at.

  • Learning where the edge is and where the where you can fall off the edge.

  • And if you want to see me have certain guests on, then get in touch in one of the many ways on offer.

  • Message me on TNT or on X or news paste or Johnny Vedmore .com.

  • And you'll find that I'm very responsive, mostly, mostly responsive.

  • I have been rocking along for a few months now and I hope you've enjoyed this TNT journey so far.

  • I spoke with loads of people who are outstandingly interesting and I've not stopped enjoying the experience.

  • Even some of the more ropey moments taught me loads of different lessons, which will always be extremely useful to me.

  • As for the times we're in, things are pretty depressing.

  • It's not easy to find hope in among some of the news we report on.

  • And the issues which we speak about are sometimes terrifying to contemplate.

  • That is the state of the world.

  • Totally made and molded to be terrifying on purpose.

  • So it allows those in power to capitalize on cognitive distance that we hear all around us.

  • It's a setup.

  • It's us being run rough shot.

  • We're getting bent over and there is no one coming to save us.

  • In fact, the ones who are normally tasked with saving us are the ones who are front and center doing the bending.

  • Human beings are constantly shooting each other, shouting at each other.

  • They're constantly at each other's throat.

  • So we need to stop joining in on any of those activities.

  • We have to be calm and rational with how we present the truth.

  • If we truly believe that we know what's true, then we should be able to speak it with a passion.

  • It's not speaking the truth that should bother you though.

  • It's recognizing the lie.

  • Seeing deception is notoriously difficult because human beings are very well versed in telling lies.

  • And now I despise lies a lot like you probably do, but I also despise not giving people a chance.

  • And in many ways, that has made me a sucker in the past and probably will again in the future.

  • In general, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to people way too often.

  • I am open -hearted in my approach to communicate with other people and I hope that I get the same in return.

  • Most people respond positively or with indifference to my approach, but it's often hard to separate those who respond positively with good intentions and those who respond positively but who have negative intentions and who use positivity as a cloak for their real intentions.

  • This is part of the constant dance between the narcissist and the empath.

  • And I've been involved in a few of those rodeos before.

  • Narcissists mistake kindness for weakness and sometimes it may not suggest weakness, but it does suggest that you are able to be manipulated to a certain degree.

  • It's very difficult to let people into your world safely when you live your life on the empathic part of the spectrum.

  • It's so easy to put your faith in someone who appears to have your best interests at heart when really they're an empty husk.

  • Emotionally speaking, the most narcissistic among us don't feel emotional content for even knows closest to them.

  • And they often burn through friends and allies, so they're eager to find new people to attach to.

  • They will suck the joy out of your life regardless of how much joy you bring to their doors.

  • They are the people who rise to the top in our society.

  • They are the ones who look for narcissistic qualities in others and they're the ones who promote those who are similarly detached from human emotion.

  • In many ways, we're stuck in a world created by the most narcissistic among us and because of that, we live in a world which is on fire.

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  • Today's news talk radio.

  • TNT. Elon Musk has thrown an absolute temper tantrum over Apple's plans to integrate open AI's GPD technology into its operating system, issuing a public bet the bank.

  • We could replace that with sensor Apple products across his many companies unless the mammoth mobile device maker reverses its decision here with the story.

  • Join me now is TNT news producer Adam Clark.

  • Hey, gay Rutgers.

  • Rutgers, tell us about how space man is thrown all of his rockets out of the pram.

  • Yeah, actually, I saw him complaining about this on his own social media platform X as it was happening.

  • And I retweeted some of it and I'm like, obviously this guy doesn't like competition because he's all about grok scraping people's data.

  • But here he is complaining about Apple using artificial intelligence and implying, no, not implying literally accusing it of being creepy spyware.

  • I'm just like, who is this guy to talk?

  • This guy, the PayPal mafia, the Palantir friend, you know, I'm like, come on, get the heck out of town.

  • So there must be something going on here.

  • And then it was big, big, big, big, big news all over the mainstream media today.

  • So I guess Apple is this is kind of creepy because I thought about it.

  • And I'm like, yeah, this isn't good where we're headed.

  • But Apple is basically going to incorporate open AI artificial intelligence within its own ecosystem.

  • So that's where it gets creepy, at least that's how I view it.

  • Because it's basically going to create like one giant convenience, I suppose, echo chamber of your own life.

  • So it's going to it's going to help you be you, but to be the best you.

  • But man, this this could get like this could go bad like very quickly.

  • Anyways, so this announcement that Apple does it.

  • I'm not an Apple user.

  • I'm not an Apple fan.

  • So this technically doesn't really affect me.

  • I recently experienced my Android devices forcing AI on me.

  • So I guess I understand how some Apple users might feel, but they do this thing.

  • A worldwide developer's conference this year, it didn't do so well.

  • Apparently, that's what fans and economists have observed.

  • The stock in fact slid down 1 .9%, which would make as far as stock performance goes.

  • It's worst during one of these conferences since 2010.

  • And the fourth worst in the entire iPhone era.

  • So something's just not clicking apparently.

  • Everyone was expecting Apple to make some huge introduction with this artificial intelligence.

  • And it's just kind of failed.

  • Maybe that's why Elon Musk jumped on board and his first thing.

  • This is what I first saw is he was saying that he was going to put out like a Tesla phone.

  • And then he started tweeting these pictures of this fancy looking like armored up Tesla phone.

  • He was saying, hey, would you use this?

  • Well, it wasn't long before he just went on a giant tirade and he literally threatened.

  • I mean, he owns a lot of companies, of course.

  • So we're talking SpaceX. Gosh, we're talking Tesla.

  • We're talking X themselves.

  • So inside all of the offices, the companies, everything running the businesses.

  • He wants nothing to do with Apple apparently.

  • So let me see here real quick.

  • So Sam Altman, a long time friend of Musk, they used to be anyway.

  • He's the CEO of OpenI in an announcement about the Apple thing.

  • He said, quote, we're excited to partner with Apple to bring chat GPT to their users in a new way.

  • Apple shares our commitment to safety and innovation.

  • And this partnership aligns with OpenAI's mission to make advanced AI accessible to everyone.

  • Together with Apple, we're making it easier for people to benefit from what AI can offer.

  • And quote, Apple's CEO Tim Cook said, quote, it's personal, powerful and private.

  • And it's integrated into the apps you rely on every day, introducing Apple intelligence, our next chapter in AI. So what Musk said in response to all of this, quote, don't want it.

  • Either stop this creepy software or all Apple devices will be banned from the premises of my companies.

  • And quote, in a separate post, Musk added quote, if Apple integrates OpenAI at the LS level, then Apple devices will be banned at my companies.

  • This is unacceptable security violation.

  • And visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door where they will be stored in a fairer day cage.

  • And quote, Yikes.

  • So I don't know what's up with that, Johnny.

  • That's how it's going.

  • I'm sure there's plenty of updates you can find on social media if you so desire.

  • But what do you think about this spat between the tech billionaires?

  • Yeah, insane.

  • Elon Musk's one of Elon Musk's partners in crime, of course, is I've reported on a lot about her intelligence links.

  • Nicole Junkerman.

  • She's not only sold a part of her satellite array to him and got involved in space X in the process, but she's also invested in Groc itself.

  • So the intelligence linked Epstein associate to Musk hangs round with is invested in the AI that they use on X. And I feel creeped out about that.

  • I refuse to use Groc on X or even have a look at it because it's obviously, you know, it's it's there to usher in a new phase and you know, you know that things like spaces and other things have been set up to scrape data.

  • They are scraping data all of the time and what they're doing is evil.

  • So what is this?

  • Is this Musk trying to say, oh look, we're the good guy, we're the good AI guys, not like those bad AI guys.

  • And he's stopping from a certain place as well.

  • He's not saying, oh, we won't, you know, I won't allow Twitter X to be put onto iPhones or I won't allow my other products to be used for iPhone.

  • No, no, no, no.

  • I'll just not let them allow them in the building and people will have to leave them at the door and et cetera.

  • And that's such a weak idea.

  • It's obviously not going to work in this is all showmanship between the AI behemoths and good.

  • I mean, this is two Goliaths fighting publicly.

  • Well, behind the scenes, of course, they are in bed together looking at pictures of AI girls rather than real humans.

  • That's what they're, that is what they are doing.

  • A Musk, what a complete tool.

  • I mean, I was saying yesterday about Musk, you know, he just looks like a construct for the military just looks like a department of defense constructies.

  • He's been that way the entire time and he's lied about his start off as well.

  • I mean, loads of people will look at his Wikipedia page and will notice a lack of him working for Microsoft mentioned on his Wikipedia page.

  • But before he owned any of his companies, he was working for Microsoft and they've kept that off.

  • So where did his rise come?

  • Because I, I'm very suspicious about the fact that Bill Gates attends things like the World Economic Forum Global Leaders for tomorrow in 1993.

  • And within the next few years, Microsoft start up a load of leadership programs for young inspiring techies.

  • And then Elon Musk is working for them and then hide in the fact that he's working for them off his bios everywhere.

  • And if you mention it out loud, of course, you get a couple of people who will attack you and say how terrible you are.

  • They're the Elon Musk trolls.

  • They're there to guard him, protect him.

  • Look after him as best they can because Elon Musk is definitely 100 % full of fakery.

  • You cannot believe a word he says.

  • So even this is just another one of the many broken promises he'll make.

  • And I think it is just a bit of showmanship.

  • It's just a bit of theatre.

  • For us, the masses, for the, you know, the muggles out there who don't have access to their wizardry and don't understand what's actually going on.

  • And what's actually going on is these big AI platforms like Groc, like open AI. They are trying to get as much data as possible in this competition between them.

  • So they will continue to beat each other up publicly while at the same time they've got each other's hands down each other's pants.

  • That's that's what I'd say to it.

  • How do you feel about that analogy there?

  • I agree 100%.

  • I don't know about the hands down each other's pants part.

  • I'll leave that to you, my friend.

  • But I agree.

  • And yeah, I went with the jealousy thing immediately.

  • And we're, this is all at our expense.

  • We're going to be the ultimate losers.

  • I actually, I love the way Tyler had Tyler Durden from zero hedge finished their reporting about this.

  • So I'm just going to share this because I agree with what they say.

  • They said that while we assume that much of Elon's outrage is genuine mixed in with just a smidge of personal self interest to have Groc handle the world's AI requests.

  • This particular eruption by the world's richest man or second or third or whatever he is is a good example of becoming AI wars.

  • We're competing AI vendors will do everything in their power to have their LLM be the software of choice for the entire world.

  • Due to its ubiquitous data gather and analysis, which will make China's always on spying nanny state seem like amateur hour by comparison yikes.

  • Yeah, yeah, this is all sounds dystopian.

  • We we're living in the world where everything's going to move so much faster partially because of AI. So by the time we've registered this, we'll see the advances continue and be the AI is incorporated into every single part of our existence.

  • Thanks for that, Ruckus.

  • I'm sure you'll be back in the second hour with some more delightful nonsense.

  • Yes.

  • Oh, yeah, fun times.

  • We'll see you then.

  • Excellent.

  • You're listening to today's news talk TNT. TNT's David Curtin.

  • Where do you draw the line because wherever it is introduced, you know, like whether it's the Netherlands or Belgium, you then go very, very quickly away from it just being a small number of people that are deemed to be, you know, really, really suffering badly to people who aren't suffering too badly to people who are, you know, maybe a little bit ill to people then who are homeless.

  • People who are depressed and you know, we have a story from I think it's the Netherlands or Belgium, one of these places where there is, you know, a woman who is completely fit, completely fine, but she she's got mental health problems.

  • She feels depressed and she wants to take her own life just because she's depressed and it's even worse in Canada because they're actually recommending that you have assisted dying if you're homeless or your jobless or your poor.

  • You know, I mean, this is where it's going.

  • David Curtin, on today's news talk, TNT. In a democracy, the majority vote rules.

  • But in most democracies, you can only vote for change every three or four years.

  • To understand what people want, governments and political parties use focus groups.

  • These focus groups can include as little as 20 people.

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  • That is number four.

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  • If you're talking about it, we're talking about it.

  • Today's news talk radio.

  • TNT. Welcome back to the Johnny Red Mushroom on today's news talk.

  • TNT. You might have caught me doing a little dance.

  • I do little dances every now and again when I'm in the green room.

  • Now, my next guess I'm going to get straight to because I find it extremely interesting.

  • I'm obviously going to have to have him back to talk in greater detail.

  • Jason Christoff runs the International Self Sabotage Coaching School where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification, psychological manipulation.

  • Jason's students then use their knowledge in these areas to help reprogram their clients into better versions of themselves on all levels.

  • Jason believes that the social decay we openly see in the world today has only come about because key players in our society are using these manipulative psychology psychological practices against most of humanity.

  • If we are to survive and thrive in the upcoming years, Jason believes that each citizen must understand these processes as to protect themselves from the future psychological operations.

  • You can follow him on X at Jason Christoff.

  • Christoff is C -H -R -I -S -T -O -F -F -F -6 at the end.

  • And visit his website jchristoff .com.

  • Jason, how are you today?

  • I rushed through that so I could finally speak to you.

  • I've been looking forward to discussing this with you.

  • How are you?

  • I'm doing great, Johnny.

  • I'm in Latvia right now.

  • I traveled here for Mexico so the jet lag is still a little bit on top of me, but I'm doing fine.

  • Awesome.

  • That will give you a little bit of jet lag for sure.

  • But Latvia is a very interesting place at the moment right on the borders of danger.

  • That's for sure.

  • Borders of the New World Order, you could say.

  • Now, why did you start down this road?

  • What was the moment where you realized that you were awake and that you had this skill to reprogram those who have been victims of this awful system?

  • Well, I knew early there was a lot of lies in the system.

  • I would go to the hospital and to be a chocolate bar pop and chip machine and none of the nurses were healthy.

  • None of the doctors were healthy.

  • And I thought there's some problems here in the system.

  • But when you look at it, you could sort of pick a topic where you're going to make your stand, but everything we're seeing to, you know, smoking areas outside the hospitals to the pop and chip machines in the hospital.

  • This is all based on mind control.

  • So every problem we have today is basically a mind control issue.

  • So I thought what better way to make my stand and educate people on mind control.

  • I did a lot of deep research.

  • I've been speaking.

  • I mean, I just got back from the US Senate.

  • I was speaking at CPAC. I spoke at the Romanian Palace of the Parliament spoke at the European Parliament.

  • And basically this is this is the topic.

  • People need to understand or they're going to be in a whole lot of whole lot of pain in the next five years.

  • Why did you choose him self sabotage coach?

  • Well, basically it's it's a lot.

  • It's a good way to fly under the radar.

  • You don't want to tell people you're going to educate them directly on mind control and brainwashing psychological manipulation.

  • So becoming, you know, tidally yourself is overcoming self sabotage coach is a good way to sort of penetrate people's programming and and get them at ease with you.

  • And then once you know that you build their trust or you earn their trust, then you can start talking about the hard topics like mind control.

  • So what kind of reactions are you getting from participants?

  • Would you get from participants after they got on the course?

  • Do you do they regain the use of their logical mind through this?

  • Oh, absolutely, Johnny, when I present and I do courses all year long to big groups, I have a repertoire or sort of like a library of about a hundred videos that I use that show people being put under various levels of mind control.

  • And once people watch those Johnny, it really gets their attention.

  • They really become interested in the topic.

  • Because mind control is neither good nor bad.

  • It just depends on sort of the heart of the magician.

  • If the magicians got a black heart, you can mind control people to smoke cigarettes like Edward Bernays did.

  • But if you, I mean, if you have a good heart, you can use mind control to take control of your finances, help you with weight loss, help your marriage gets on steady ground.

  • This is this is why I where I teach people to use the mind control to make their lives better.

  • So the spectrum of mind control that you're talking about reprogramming what do you aim at?

  • Do you just aim at the basic principles, give people back use, like I said, as a logical mind or they're in a monologue, be able to rationalize what is being told to them.

  • Or do you go all the way to people who have literally being targeted by agencies or programs that have fundamentally wrecked or changed their life in the negative way?

  • Well, we can do both.

  • The first thing you have to do when talking or speaking on the subject is you have to teach people how it's done.

  • And that's why these video examples are very, very important.

  • So that people can see it.

  • If you can't see the mind control on the TV screen on the movie screen, there's no way you're going to sidestep it.

  • And a lot of people would be baffled about how this, the whole society, Johnny, is a mind control based society, everything from the bottle shops to the coffee shops, they all have aspects of mind control, sort of littered or littered throughout them.

  • So it's very important the person see, but the main reprogramming that we do is we make the client understand or the patient understand that 85 % of mind control is repetition.

  • So first they're going to learn to recognize that repetitive content and their movies, their TV shows, their radio broadcasts, the print media.

  • And then once they understand the concept that 85 % of online control programming is repetition, then we have sort of a reprogramming library where they can use positive repetitive content to lead their lives in the right direction.

  • It's very simple concepts, but it can make people do some very, very funny things, including standing in line and volunteering for a medical experiment.

  • And over the past three years without giving in a second thought, so you can get people doing things that would make your head spin using the most simple mind control tactics.

  • Yeah, yeah, that's most definitely I'm really interested in this is something that I'm really passionate about.

  • I know that and I'm trying to read your form this question in my mind now because, you know, Adam and Pierre, the right hand is like the right hand group for the World Economic Forum, Richard Adelman is one of Clashwabs, right hand man in his father, Daniel J. Adelman.

  • He worked, I mean, it's one of the biggest PR firms in the world.

  • It's grown to be potentially 60, 70 % of all companies and representatives, etc.

  • work for this firm.

  • But the birth was psychological operations, Daniel Adelman was running psychological operations.

  • So is that just what advertising is?

  • Is it just a former psychological operation?

  • Absolutely, it's the same tactics that I use, the same tactics, a stage hypnotist, use the same tactics, advertisers use the same tactics.

  • It's the exact same tactics because, you know, the part of the neurological system that is targeted when you're putting person under mind control, you can access it through advertising, you can access it through many different modalities of media, you know, you're going to impregnate you with their messages and that there's so many good examples that I show that are sort of from the entertainment industry to get really get the people comfortable and familiar with the concepts in the UK. There's a man by the name of Darren Brown, he's a mind, they call him a mentalist, but he's a mind control expert.

  • If anybody wants to go over to Darren Brown's YouTube channel, you're going to see the exact same mind control modalities used to entertain millions of people.

  • But those are the exact same modalities used to manipulate the public daily to do things that have absolutely no benefit benefit for them whatsoever.

  • Well, that is a very interesting segue and we're going to take a quick 30 second news break and be back shortly to talk about that because that actually relates to one of the questions I have for you.

  • So you're listening to today's news talk TNT. TNT radio news.

  • Hi everybody.

  • So many crazy news stories going on right now.

  • Now the news.

  • Go. For TNT, this is James O 'Neill.

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Egypt on June 10th for his eighth visit to the region amid the Gaza conflict.

  • Blinken aims to pressure Hamas and Israel to agree to a ceasefire and prevent the war was expansion in Lebanon.

  • Oklahoma Public Schools faces significant teacher shortage as a 2024 -2025 academic year approaches.

  • Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended President Biden's recent executive order on the border.

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  • Today's news talk.

  • This is TNT radio.

  • Welcome back.

  • I'm here with Jason Christoff.

  • We're talking about reprogramming the mind.

  • And you mentioned Darren Brownner.

  • And at one point I actually studied.

  • He was about 2005 -2006 -2007.

  • Darren Brown was on the TV a lot.

  • And me and my partner at the time.

  • We went into studying some of what he was saying.

  • You know, he made this very interesting about hypnosis.

  • But when it came to taking control over someone else's conscious mind.

  • I soon found that I didn't have the stomach for having that sort of control over another human.

  • Is that something that you discover?

  • Are some people able to attempt to exert control over another?

  • And some people are adverse to it?

  • And what do you think it says about a human beings desire for control?

  • Well, I think we all sort of do it.

  • I've met.

  • I've dated females that are mind control experts using some of the documented mind control research.

  • I get trying to use it against me.

  • But they've never read one book in their entire lives on the subject.

  • It's natural to try and get your way.

  • It's natural to try and persuade people.

  • The research will give you the documented ways to do that.

  • Again, Darren Brown is an expert at that.

  • And even his made for Netflix special called The Push.

  • Which if anybody wants a copy, they can email me at infoadjcristop .com.

  • It's hard to find.

  • But Darren took four subjects and literally mind control three of them out of four.

  • There was a two hour scenario.

  • But three out of the four people murdered a man live on camera.

  • And it was it was a real murder.

  • But the man was pushed off the side of the building.

  • The person pushing him did not know that he was a stunt man and that he was harnessed.

  • And they literally thought they were killing him and still went through with it.

  • This is how powerful mind control can be.

  • And again, Darren accomplished that in only two hours.

  • The average person is literally under mind control, 93 to 97 % of their entire lives.

  • And if you're watching the TV, watching the screen, you're probably under various forms of mind control right now.

  • So people really need to get up to speed on this topic.

  • It's what the government in media uses against the public every single day to maintain their power.

  • Yeah, I got him.

  • There's a comment from Martin chat who says the problem with reprogram is that people can implant ideas and in people's minds.

  • And if you they're good at it, then it will come out later.

  • Now, I agree with that.

  • Of course, it's all intention.

  • It's all whether someone wants to have that sort of control.

  • But I was lucky that I did study that hypnotism because a few years ago someone tried to hypnotize me.

  • And I let them believe that I was under.

  • And then I was devastated to find out they were trying to implant stuff in my head.

  • Does your course cover the range of mind control methods from the standard to the extreme?

  • Of course, it's more than just hypnosis.

  • But do you just aim to deprogram most people from a base level?

  • Well, we don't really deprogram them.

  • We show them that the programming that's already put into them.

  • We show them how it's put into them.

  • And then we just say if you would like to use it to your advantage, you can actually mind control yourself.

  • You don't need another person really putting in the programs.

  • And people might be worried about someone else putting in programs.

  • But basically if you go back to say 2011 and the movie Contagion.

  • So whoever made the comment, they're completely right.

  • But they're watching the TV and they don't understand that when you stare at a TV screen, you activate trance or alpha brainwave state.

  • Because it fixes your gaze the same way and ancient hypnotists would swing the pocket watch and tell you to watch the pocket watch.

  • So the thing is going back to the Contagion movie.

  • It put in all what the gentleman in the comments talking about what's what called dormant programming.

  • And in this movie with Lawrence Fishburn and Matt Damon, they put in all this dormant programming that during a pandemic out of China supposedly.

  • That was in the movie Contagion and they were going to lock everybody down and close the airports and mask everybody and the only way out was a vaccine.

  • That's dormant programming and it came out in 2020 because of this is the way the subconscious mind pathway operates.

  • So the gentleman who made the comments right, but you got to understand they're putting in if you're watching a screen watching Netflix watching movies watching TV shows.

  • They're all designed to lay in dormant programming 5, 10, 15 years before the group organizing all this attacks and triggers your dormant programming 15 years into the future.

  • Yeah, I will make a note that the gentleman that chat is Martha.

  • I know her quite well.

  • And she says she does watch TV, but there you got just to warn you she's a lady and you don't want to cross her.

  • That's the story Martha.

  • Well, the sort of programming that people receive tends to be all encompassing throughout their life.

  • Then it tends to be like to drip effect constantly.

  • Can the experience of reprogramming themselves be traumatic for most?

  • Not not not really.

  • I mean, it's it's very liberating once you know how the magician does his magic show.

  • The magic show fails to impress and then you get this great motivation to start cleaning your life up because you know you've been programmed to sit on the couch.

  • You being this is all being normalized and not only is all the programming in your TV shows and you know your movie releases.

  • There are psychoactive chemicals that if I can infuse the mind control victim with before I expose them to the TV shows and the movies.

  • It up regulates their ability to copy mimic and emulate and take down you know take in the programs that I'm downloading into them.

  • This is why at the movies that caffeinate you before you go in.

  • It increases the propensity of the mind control victim to download the program.

  • So caffeine is a huge psychoactive chemical used in mind control operations.

  • And this is why our complete society's drowning in caffeine.

  • This is how big this sort of agenda is the average person doesn't know that things that their grocery store you know stores in their community like Starbucks for example which is owned by Bill Gates.

  • It's purposely riddled throughout the community to enhance the mind control effect and the average person.

  • And once they start understanding that they're completely surrounded on what I call planet mind control.

  • It's the name of my documentary coming out later this year that people people really get their rage and their anger energy aligned properly instead of aligning it to attack the system.

  • Now they're going to you know embrace that anger rage energy to change their life in a positive way.

  • Yeah I'm looking across a to chat again Hemingway says always look at the hand of the magician you're not supposed to be looking at.

  • And one last one last question for you just before we go because we come to the end of time and I could talk to you for hours about this sort of stuff really interested me of course because we're all so affected by it.

  • But what do you have any tips for people who are listening or watching who think they have been controlled to help them regain authority over their own existence.

  • Absolutely basically mind controls about power differential so the less powerful you are the less strong you are the less strength you have the easier you are to put under so start with your health.

  • People that are healthier really hard to put under mind control because of the strength that they carry.

  • That's where I would start start with your health.

  • That's beautiful Jason Christoff.

  • Thank you so much for coming on the Johnny Bedmore show.

  • I hope we get to speak again soon.

  • I was a pleasure, Johnny.

  • Awesome, excellent.

  • Now you're listening to today's NewsDoc DNT. The challenge eggs you can fry and scramble them, poach them, boil them or race them on a spoon.

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  • Talk that matters.

  • Johnny Vettmore on today's News Talk, TNT. Welcome back to the Johnny Vettmore show.

  • I'm going to stick with Jason Christoff.

  • I know we almost signed off there, but I want to know more.

  • We've got a little bit of time to spare at the moment.

  • So Jason, can you tell me about the project you've got coming up at the end of the year?

  • We have a documentary coming out.

  • Johnny called Planet Mind Control.

  • We've been trying to put it together for two years at this point.

  • And it's finally coming together.

  • It looks fantastic.

  • I've seen the first 10 minutes of it last week.

  • And it's just going to try to educate, to use real world scenarios.

  • And once you know how easy this is, you'll be able to pick out all the mind control machinations that are flying at people more so in their TV shows in their movies.

  • Of course, the media, the mainstream media is famous for it.

  • But most of it is coming through the entertainment channel, coming through through movies and the TV shows.

  • And even the music industry, because of course, like I said, 85 % of this is repetition.

  • There's really nothing more repetitive in a three minute, then a three minute song.

  • There's the chorus line might go between 14 and 20 times.

  • And that's why music even exists.

  • It's the most effective mind control modality they've ever come up with because of the repetitive structure of songs.

  • Indeed.

  • I've been a songwriter beforehand.

  • And before I've done any of the journalism stuff.

  • And I found that then being able to explain things in a story format in journalism was much easier.

  • Because I understood the structure of what people kind of like.

  • If you take it down to the base structure that people like that sort of, you know, they get an introverse chorus, verse chorus, verse chorus, middle eight solo outro.

  • They tend to like that repetition.

  • And that works in all different sorts of formats.

  • So again, about yourself, go back.

  • What was there a specific event that led you to an awakening?

  • Or was it a much slower process?

  • Well, my body was trying to awaken me for a long time.

  • I was just really stubborn.

  • It's called the pain teacher, Johnny.

  • The pain teacher would come to my door, knock on my door.

  • It's this fictitious lady that always wants to teach you how to lead a better life.

  • And I wanted nothing to do with learning any lessons inside my pain.

  • I was always in the pain of avoidance, which is a main mind control program going on today.

  • I was a heavy user of alcohol, cocaine.

  • I even used steroids, junk food.

  • I was destroying myself as Olympic sport because I was under the programming.

  • Self -destruction is the background noise of all mind control today.

  • People have a hard time treating themselves well, not poisoning themselves, not destroying themselves by their own hand.

  • That doesn't mean they're defective.

  • That means they're working, working perfectly as designed.

  • They're repeating the most repetitive content of their media and TV environment.

  • And they're doing exactly what the mind control programmers want them to do.

  • So I hit rock bottom.

  • I crawled along broken glass for two years at rock bottom.

  • And then finally the pain teacher who would stick her head in every once every day and say, have you had enough yet?

  • Are you ready to change yet?

  • And I said, I give up.

  • I will stop all the drugs, all the sedative substances.

  • I will stop numbing and tranquilizing myself.

  • Please come in for a tea and tell me what I have to learn to be a better person.

  • So she said, you better put on a whole pot because you've been ignoring me for 15 years.

  • We got a lot to talk about.

  • So I listened to her and I've been free of sedative substances ever since.

  • And that's one of the main mind control modalities today is the average person thinks pain is a goblin.

  • When really it's a guardian.

  • So if you think pain is a goblin, when it's only there to show you the way out of the pain, you never get out of the pain.

  • Yeah, agreed.

  • I've had that experience myself.

  • I mean, I've talked about drug addiction.

  • I got all of the way down to morphine.

  • But where we're along with morphine, all of the other things at one.

  • I was on a range of pharmaceuticals, of course.

  • And it would take any pill someone gave me as long as it stopped me facing the trauma of the past.

  • And trying to try to come out of that trauma as a new person.

  • And that is a very hard thing because we live in what kind of you described is like sort of brain fog of what reality is.

  • You know, we live in a world of caffeine.

  • We live in a world of stimuli of who's screen, who are audio as well.

  • We're listening to music all the time.

  • Some people will will turn up the volume, of course, to stop their mind thinking.

  • So how do people recognize in real time that they're being programmed by something?

  • Is that possible before you've realized?

  • Do some people come to you because they've started to see the repetition?

  • They usually come to me for they're going to know they're you're going to know you're under programming.

  • Johnny, when you get older, so you're supposed to get more experienced in life.

  • So that means you should be in better shape every year.

  • You should have more money every year.

  • You should have better relationships because you're like as you're gifted the opportunity to live longer, you're supposed to accumulate the knowledge and use the knowledge to your advantage.

  • So if you're living your life and getting older, but you're more broke, more out of shape, more lonely, more depressed, and more addicted, you're definitely under mind control.

  • Because that would be the only reason behind it.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • And I mean, we're all the world is a very traumatic place for the majority of people right now.

  • And we look on the news and we see war and we see people arguing, people like each other's votes.

  • Is that something that is there on purpose?

  • Is every single thing we're doing part of this program to keep us with brain fog?

  • Absolutely.

  • This group is famous for using fear to basically facilitate the lowest IQ part of the brain called the limbic system, which is in the back of your skull.

  • So you can you see that they never let their foot off the accelerator of the terror of the panic of the fear because they want to keep us in this low IQ state because the low IQ state is a follower state.

  • And mind controls about following direction and obeying the low IQ state is the most hyper compliant and hyper obedient state.

  • So this is why it's war and this virus, this pathogen, they never stop, they've never stopped.

  • The average person just doesn't know from the time maybe you were or I was circumcised Johnny, probably on the first day of life from that traumatic event all the way up to now.

  • Basically, it's plant mental asylum wall the wall, but you can you can learn how to keep emotional stability.

  • If you understand you can control your own mind and you can control just to be stable inside a mentally insane society, which is the way I use it to basically navigate life by this planet.

  • Yeah, now I tell you, Rutgers has come up with a really good question for you.

  • He's in the chat at the moment and he said, will AI accelerate the brainwashing past the point of no return, especially where they want to create like AI buddies that you have constantly, which will help you to do tasks that well, obviously then you'll give away that your own purchase on your decision making.

  • Do you think that we're entering into dangerous times in that sense?

  • I think some people are I think there's a big division in society.

  • I think those society is bisecting right now to people that are choosing the AI based city life and people that are exiting this sort of unnatural structure and going more back to nature or what they call God.

  • So I think it's going to be extremely dangerous for people that have such an empty hole in their heart where they're only feel good emotions will be in the screen.

  • I mean, they do want us eventually, Johnny, as nothing more than the neo in the red pod of goo all hooked up to the internet.

  • This is the dream of the group we're dealing with because I researched them too very for a very long time.

  • So there will be there's a bisecting of society.

  • There will be people enslaved by technology and there will be people that exit that system and leave the technology behind.

  • So you talk about like I mean, I talked with Dr. E from Friday about living on a more authentic life and living a more authentic life for looking at things in the past that how people used to live is that the best way maybe for the average people to reprogram themselves without ending up taking a big black pill and seeing everything is being doomed.

  • And ending up the uni bomber.

  • Well, I think people should still engage with their technology and teach themselves as they're you know as they're learning from their technology like learn from it watch a movie tonight.

  • I'll tell you look watch any movie tonight.

  • I will tell you that most repetitive content in all movies of all time is to take a coffee cup.

  • A coffee mug a coffee machine on the back counter coffee shop the second most frequent imprint and this is all done on purpose because you will mimic the repetitive content in order to try and fit in with the bigger herd is alcohol.

  • So watch your movies watch your TV shows and then count have make it a game who's going to see the the take out coffee cup first who's going to see the coffee mug on the detectives desk who's going to see the coffee shop like the central perk in friends in the background who's going to pick out the espresso machine and the percolator coffee machine on the back counter in the kitchen.

  • Make a game of it and then say why are they always trying to program me to drink coffee and make that your first lesson and if you ever want to learn why they make you drink coffee.

  • Email me at info jchristoff .com and I'll show you exactly why.

  • Yeah, that's really interesting.

  • The first thing that it made me think of was that scene in terminated to where they're in the mental hospital.

  • And the guys purchasing a cup of coffee and looks on his cup and he's won the prize the coffee is the prize it's a win it's a win and then he turns around and gets the the short sharp drift of a long blade in the eye and is is morphed into another character.

  • So yeah, I definitely can see that and of course I mean the movies that we're seeing coming out now maybe even more balls out than the movies of the past as well because I watched the I try to avoid it for quite a while by watch civil war the other day.

  • And I watched these things because I'm you know because I'm already awake because I've already had all the experience because I've already seen how society is being programmed to me and these sort of movies I was watching it with that frame of mind how are they programming and it was a very interesting experience.

  • I still like the movie you know loads of people gave it really bad reviews I quite enjoyed the movie so even people could don't have to lose their love of movies to when they've been reprogrammed you're saying they you know and can they still drink coffee.

  • Well the thing is I tell people like coffees coffee's on every corner for a reason the average person has no idea why coffee and caffeine is everywhere they don't understand why they give kids chocolate at Halloween you know the energy drinks the pre workout mixes they're all caffeinated there's 2000 medications with caffeine the average person has no idea but it doesn't mean you have to quit your coffee or quit your tea or quit your red bowl but what you want to do is educate.

  • It's about the substance as you're using the substance so it's your first step like why is caffeine sort of like the backbone when you're on an airplane alcohols ripping up and down the center aisle of the airplane you go to the hotel there's alcohol in the mini bar you go down to the restaurant alcohols at every restaurant it's my control once it's normalized once you think that this is a normal part of society you're totally under the spell.

  • And if you don't understand why these substances are normalized in the society that you were born into you're really going to have a hard time over the next two to five years.

  • Yeah it's hard for me to hear that as well because I mean I come from a landlord family so I had drink all around me but in the same time that I came from a landlord family I was often on the sitting on the bar as a kid and etc and being around people.

  • A lot of my family had issues serious issues with alcohol too so you know I understand that we are being indoctrinated for hundreds of years rather than just one or two or a few decades.

  • One last question we're almost out of time but when people believe they've woken up isn't that the time when they're looking for new beliefs and does that make them more susceptible than ever to follow bad characters and how do they prevent that once they've been reprogrammed or read themselves.

  • I think again if you go back to that health premise the the organism that the you know the machine that you're driving the human body can figure all this out plus a lot more.

  • So really yeah people might be looking for other belief systems or other heroes or other leaders and they might get taken down the primrose path but the cleaner you are the more you'll allow yourself to lead because you'll be confident in your own strength.

  • So again health is the foundation of cracking the code this is why in the system Johnny health is the enemy number one of the states though you know they pasteurized the milk raw milk illegal in Canada they've legalized heroin fentanyl and cocaine and British Columbia Canada all they want to do is pollute and then take away the things that are healthy is the more polluted the animal the easier they are to mind control.

  • Such a beautiful message there and it's completely correct one last quick question what about tea is tea is tea all right.

  • I'll give you the thing less poison is always a great first step great baby step you know it's not about progress it's about progress is not about perfection but eventually you want to get all caffeine out if you want to come into contact with your full human potential you'll have to remove all poise.

  • Your beautiful man Jason crystal thank you so much for coming on the show really appreciate it thanks Johnny excellent well that was I really enjoyed that that was amazing so we're sure we're going to have another conversation again with Jason very soon for the time being getting the chat if you want to have more of a conversation you're listening to today's news talk.

Jason Christoff & Tony Gosling on The Johnny Vedmore Show - 12 June 2024 (2024)


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